Friday, December 30, 2011

Current Events January 6, 1944;


                              KINGSPORT, TENN., THURS., JAN. 6, 1944

City's Capture
Links Ukraine,
Southern Army

London, Thursday — AP —
The Russian First Ukrainian Army Wednesday captured the railway junction of Berdichev
 pivotal bulwark of the German line protecting Poland and Rumania, after five days' fighting, Premier Marshal Joseph Stalin announced in a special order of the day Thursday . Fritz von Mannstein. Its cap

ture increased the communication links between the Russian westward drive into pre-war Poland
and southwestward drive the Rumanian frontier.

                                                      FAYETTEVIUE, ARKANSAS, THURSDAY EVENING, JANAURY 6, 194

San Vittore
Object Of
New Push

Hand to Hand Bottles
Rage in City, Half
Taken From Nazis

 Allied Headquarters, Algiers, Jan. 6- (AP)
American troops, opening a long-awaited Fifth Army offensive with British mops on a 10-mile front in driving sleet and rain, have .smashed,and battered their way inside the pillbox maze of San Vittore where they are fighting the Germans  hand-to-hand for possession of
the remaining half of the town, Allied headquarters announced today.
American and British ground
forces, supported by American invader dive bombers advanced front five miles wide on
ther side of the Via Cassino, main road to Cassino and Rome.
The British surged forward ina five mile southern half of the sector from a paint west of Roca, while the Americans swept down from the heights around San Vittore on the north side the rood west of Venafro.
San VUtore a Fortress


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