Sunday, February 19, 2012

Current Events February 19, 1944;


LONDON, Fob 19. (AP)—
Three waves of heavy and medium German bombers last night gave London its fiercest raid since the costly 1940-41 attacks, and long after the thunderous anti-aircraft barrage had died away fires still glowed red against the sky as search parties dug through wreckage for victims. No immediate estimate of casualties was available, although they apparently were high.

LONDON, Feb. 19. (INS)
— "Slight infiltrations" of Allied troops in the Cassino area were admitted today by the German-controlled Koine radio, which later claimed the holes in the Nazi lines had been plugged.
IN NAPLES, Feb. 19. (UP)—
Marshal Albert Kesj selring's heaviest attack yet against the month-old Nettuno beachhead forced American and British armored forces back slightly below


News Service - THE COMPLETE NEWSPAPER-United Press-Associated Press Wirephoto _
London Suffers
Heavy Attack
Three Waves of Nazi Bombers Dump
Tons of Bombs, Incendiaries on City.
LONDON, Fob 19. (AP)—
Three waves of heavy and medium German bombers last night gave London its fiercest raid since the costly 1940-41 attacks, and long after the thunderous anti-aircraft barrage had died away fires still glowed red against the sky as search parties dug through wreckage for victims. No immediate estimate of casualties was available, although they apparently were high.
Tons of high explosives and thousands of firebombs showered down, lulling at least three churches, two hospitals, a number of school buildings, a hotel, a large suburban st-tore, and many apartments and rows of homes.
Guards said the barrage of anti aircraft fire was the heaviest ever thrown at- enemy raiders.
Fighter planes rose to chase the invaders  At least two were shot

Allies Yield,
Then Launch
Tank Attack
Grim Battle Still
Ground Air Cover
LONDON, Feb. 19. (INS)
— "Slight infiltrations" of Allied troops in the Cassino area were admitted today by the German-controlled Koine radio, which later claimed the holes in the Nazi lines had been plugged.
IN NAPLES, Feb. 19. (UP)—
Marshal Albert Kesj selring's heaviest attack yet against the month-old Nettuno beachhead forced American and British armored forces back slightly below
Aprilia, but they counterattacked in force and were reported "making progress" today.
As the battle of the beachhead mounted to a new peak of Density the Allied Fifth army, newly reinforced by New Zealand and Indian units shifted from the
British Eighth army front, smashed forward in the Cassino sector.
The resurgent offensive on the southern front smashed through the Cassino rail station half a mile south of the almost completely encircled German stronghold
"and won two dominating heights.
Kesselring threw four full German divisions, backed up by others in reserve, at the Anzio beachhead, and the Allies were forced to give ground before the
tank and infantry attacks along the Anzio-Rome road below Aprilia.
A Berlin communique said that in fierce fighting below Rome the Germans "advanced their ring of encirclement" up to two and a half miles south of Aprilia.)
The Rome radio said the Allies had counter-attacked in the area of the Mussolini canal on the right wing of the beachhead where the Germans were said to have made deep infiltrations earlier.
Planes Grounded
Heavy rain again deprived the Allies of their air support after planes of all types had given the Germans a record pounding. Nevertheless the counter-attacking
Americans and British had absorbed the initial impact of the supreme Nazi bid so far to throw them out of their beachhead, and they were reported inflicting tremendous casualties on the enemy.

Nazis Claim
Rome Bombed
Charge Papal Summer
Home Also Raided
LONDON, Feb. • 10 (INS)—
An unsubstantiated claim that Rome and the papal summer palace at Castel Gandolfo to the south were bombed by Allied planes last night was broadcast today by the German- censored Koine radio.
The announcer asserted that 200 casualties were caused in the flack on the Italian capital, in which many buildings also allegedly were h i t .

for Outpost
of Truk Base
Forces Invade
Eniwetok—No Details
on Truk Attack
Pearl Harbor, Feb. 19 (AP)

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