Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Current Events February 28. 1944


WASHINGTON, Feb. 28. (AP)—
The manpower shortage for the armed services which President Roosevelt has called "grave" must be made up from family men and others, a special medical commission reported to the White House today, and not by lowering physical standards.

 London  Feb  28,  (AP)
The Tokyo radio broadcast a Japanese communique today saying a United States aircraft carrier and  three big warships were sunk east of the Marianas islands. Feb. 22. The claims were without any Allied confirmation United States aircraft carrier and three big warships were sunk east of the Marianas islands. Feb. 22.

 NEW DELHI, Feb. 28 (UP)—
British imperials of the 14th army and the Allied Eastern air command have smashed an intended j major Japanese offensive on the Arakan front in western Burma,' it was announced today

 Naples. Feh. 28 (UP)—
British u n i t s o£ the Allied Fifth army captured two enemy strongpoints  on the left flank of the Anzio beachhead, a communique announced today, while American artillery head off a new German attack south of Aprilia. Freezing rains again curtailed aerial activity throughout the battle area, but Allied and German long-range guns maintained a steady barrage on the beachhead


Associated Press—International News Service —THE COMPLETE NEWSPAPER —United Press—
Medical Commission Reports
Existing Rules Must Remain
Family Men Must Make Up "Grave".
Manpower Shortage in Armed Forces
WASHINGTON, Feb. 28. (AP)—
The manpower shortage for the armed services which President Roosevelt has called "grave" must be made up from family men and others, a special medical commission reported to the White House today, and not by lowering physical standards.
The commission was created at the suggestion of congress on the theory that a relaxation of induction requirements, especially for limited service, might delay drafting of fathers and others with dependents. But it reported existing standards could not be reduced "without impairing the efficiency" of the armed services and no more limited service inductions are needed.

Japs Claim
U.S. Aircraft
Carrier Sunk
Tolcio Reports Three
Other Big Warships
Lost Near Mariannas
London  Feb  28,  (AP)
The Tokyo radio broadcast a Japanese communique today saying a United States aircraft carrier and  three big warships were sunk east of the Marianas islands. Feb. 22. The claims were without any Allied confirmation United States aircraft carrier and three big warships were sunk east of the Marianas islands. Feb. 22.
The claims were without any Allied confirmation. The broadcast, recorded by the Associated Press, slid the fleet included more than 10 carriers and eight battleships..
Two of the three American warships reported sunk were probably aircraft carriers, declared the communique, which asserted that still another carrier had been damaged. Attacks on the task force were carried out by Japanese naval air unit, it added..

British Smash
Jap Offensive
in West Burma
Imperials Beat
Enemy in Stand-Up
Fight at Arakan
NEW DELHI, Feb. 28 (UP)—
British imperials of the 14th army and the Allied Eastern air command have smashed an intended j major Japanese offensive on the Arakan front in western Burma,' it was announced today.
They have beaten the enemy in a standup fight by skillful leadership and steadfast and demined courage, the announcement said. Adm. Lord Louis Mount batten's southeast Asia command issued a 13-page foolscap memorandum detailing the "Japanese debacle on the Arakan peninsula . . .a resounding victory of the 14th army.
For the first time British detailing the  and Indian troops have scored a major victory over the Japanese," Lieut. Gen. A. F. P. Christison, commander of troops on the Arakan front, said in a preface to the memorandum paying tribute to his command.
"I cannot be too proud of their magnificent courage and devotion to duty during the long and difficult battle. They have set an example of all of those who one day will be  f i g h t i n g  the Japanese."

Yanks Hurl
Back Nazis
British Units Capture
Two Beachhead Points
By Robert V. Vermillion
Naples. Feh. 28 (UP)—
British u n i t s o£ the Allied Fifth army captured two enemy strongpoints  on the left flank of the Anzio beachhead, a communique announced today, while American artillery head off a new German attack south of Aprilia. Freezing rains again curtailed aerial activity throughout the battle area, but Allied and German long-range guns maintained a steady barrage on the beachhead
And an American battleship moved in along the coast to trade gunfire with Nazi cannon emplaced Alban Hills.

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