Saturday, February 4, 2012

Current Events February 3, 1944;


Wilhelmshaven Bombed;
Russ Trap 150,000 Nazis

 Ten Divisions
Caught in New
Ukraine Drive

LONDON, Feb. 3— (U.P)—
Two Red armies have trapped 10 German divisions of perhaps 150,000 men in a double breakthrough on the Ukrainian front, Moscow announced today, and the Nazis acknowledged the loss of Rovno and Luck to Soviet forces which apparently had advanced about 60 miles in old Poland.  Premier Josef Stalin in an order
of the day proclaimed what may prove the greatest Russian victory since Stalingrad in the . Ukraine, where his armies crashed through the German lines for advances up to 46 miles and joined forces to throw a cordon of steel  a round the Nazi  i n f a n t ry and one tank divisions.
                                                       Front Collapses
Moscow and Berlin  announements indicated that the whole German  f ront in south Russia was caving in under the hammer blows of Red armies again driving forward after a relative lull in that area of about two weeks.


 WASHINGTON, Feb. 3.—(U.P.)—
American invasion forces have captured Namur island in the Marshalls, and strong troop units and mechanized equipment are "proceeding with th« annihilation" of the enemy on Kwajalei* island, the navy announced today.
Thus of the three key points of Kwajalein atoll, two are now n our hands and conquest of the third is progressing favorably. Namur is next to Roi island, air field site whose capture was announced yesterday.
A brief Pacific fleet communique released here said that  several islands adjacent to Namur were also in American hands.
                                                            Near End
Wording of the announcement was taken as indicating that the battle for possession of Kwajalein atoll is near its final stages.
PEARL HARBOR, T. H., Feb.3.—(AP)—

United States marines and infantry, backed by tanks and the heaviest air and naval bombardment of the Pacific war, have seized half of the last enemy-held air  f i e ld in Kwajalein atoll in the heart of the Marshalls and begun battles of extermination against Japanese remnants, dispatches from the  f ront said today.
                                                     Conquest in Sight
With the only enemy opposition in strength confined to a shrinking pocket at either end of the 66-mile-long atoll, complete conquest of Kwa j a l e i n,  f i r st pre-war Japanese territory invaded by the
Americans, was in sight and perhaps only a matter of hours away.


 A L L I ED HEADQUAR T E R S,  A lgiers, Feb. 3.— (AP)  —
American tanks  a nd  i n f a n t r y men have  all  but  e n c i r c l ed the  for t r e ss  town of Cassino at the crenter of  t he Ge rma n s' sha t t e r ed Guscav  i i n c, it w«» u!*closed today, as other allied  F i f th a rmy forces extended their beachheads below Rome in  the  face of i n c r e a s i n g ly  h e a vy  enemy  couner
a t t a c k s.
The  a l l i e d - c o n t r ol Cairo  radio s a id  today  t h a t  F i f th  a r my   troops h a ve broken  i n to  the streets  of C n s s i no  a nd  t h a t  t ho  f a ll  of  t h at N a z i - held  I t a l i a n stronghold is
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Mass Evacuation
Of Tokyo Pushed

LONDON, Feb. 3—(AP) — A mass evacuation of Tokyo's 8,000,000 residents is in  fu ll swing, in
anticipaiaion of large-scale airraids on the Japanese capital, the German DNB news agency said
today in a dispatch from Tokyo. U. S. government monitors earlier this week recorded a Batavia radio  

ano u n c e m e nt that  c ivi l i ans are be ing evacuated  f rom Kyoto acity of more  t h an 750,000  inhabitants, and Yokosuka, a  n a v al station 13 miles southwest of Yokohama, 

     Charleston. West Virginia. Thursday Morning, February 3, 1944.

Infantrymen Press
Kwajalein Assault

Fires Set by Own Guns Hamper Yank Attack;
Nimitz Reports 'Modest Casualties
American marines have captured strategic Roi island and its important airfield in the Kwajalein atoll of the western Marshall islands in the new and fast breaking Central Pacific offensive launched Monday, and have invaded two additional islands in the same atoll.
Capture of Roi, first piece of the pre-war Japanese empire to fall and  the new landings were announced today by Adm. Chester W. Nimitz, supreme commander of the mid Pacific area. These successes were attended by "modest casualties," he said, and without loss of any ships.
The new landings were made Tuesday on Kwajalein islet, at the southern end of the atoll of the same  n aj
. t he norB
cent to Roi. The initial landings Monday were on tiny spots of land near Roi, Namur and Kwajalein islands.
                                                        Progress Favorable
Action was progressing favorably at all points, the communique said. Both marines and infantry participated in the new Invasions, supported by American warships and planes and by artillery quickly set up at the original invasion spots. Some prisoners have been taken.

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