Sunday, April 29, 2012

Apr 29, 1944; Germans reveal invasion of western Europe


'London, April 29—(AP)
Berlin dispatches to Stockholm declared today that the invasion of western Europe, practically speaking, began a week ago when the American; and British threw great numbers of reserve air crews' and aircraft into the continuing continental air assault.

London, April 29—(AP)—
Two thousand U. S. warplanes mashed at Berlin today with probably the greatest daylight attack in history.

April 29.—(/P)—
Allied heavy bombers struck at the Italian west coast ports of Piombino, Orbetello and Santo Stefano yesterday, and other planes raided Genoa and other harbors by night, Allied headquarters announced today.


When 2,000
Planes Raid
Europe Is Blasted
By 75,000 Tons
In Two Weeks
London, April 29—(AP)—
Two thousand U. S. warplanes mashed at Berlin today with probably the greatest daylight attack in history. Bombers flying from Italy at the same time hit the port and submarine pens of Toulon, Franee, to cap the 15th day of the pre-invasion onslaught in which Allied aircraft have rained approximately 75,000  tons of bursting and flaming steel upon Hitler territory.

Reserve Air
Crews Seen
As Opening
Up Assault
Recently Captured
Airmen Quoted
By Germans
'London, April 29—(AP)
Berlin dispatches to Stockholm declared today that the invasion of western Europe, practically speaking, began a week ago when the American; and British threw great numbers of reserve air crews' and aircraft into the continuing continental air assault.
The Stockholm Tidningcn's Berlin correspondent quoted captured Allied fliers as saying they regarded themselves, "as invasion troops and the invasion began for them when they went into' action.
The dispatch added: "German military circles interpret the fliers' statement as meaning the invasion air force now is actually in the fight." ,
The .Helsinki newspaper Sanomat said today without disclosing the source of its information that the Allied invasion of Europe is already under, way, .according to
 a dispatch to the Stockholm Aftonbladet. -
Landings Probable.
"Landings probably are in progress –at several placesc now, theHelsinki .newspaper said it had "learned."
(There was no information from any Allied source to substantiate this rumor.)
The Germans announced today their' anti-invasion command was ready to go into action and simultaneously Nazi occupation authorties in Denmark suspended telephone communication bctween Copenhagen and Stockholm for the second time in a week.

Italian West
Coast Ports
Hit By Bombs
Allied Headquarters, Naples,
April 29.—(/P)—
Allied heavy bombers struck at the Italian west coast ports of Piombino, Orbetello and Santo Stefano yesterday, and other planes raided Genoa and other harbors by night, Allied headquarters announced today.
All land sectors were quiet during the day, a communique said. Medium forces of heavy bombers raided Orbetello and Santo Stefano, 75 miles northwest of Rome, and Plombino 120 miles northwest of the Italian capital.


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