Wednesday, April 18, 2012


LONDON, April 16—(AP)'
American bombers from the Mediterranean area heavily "raided Belgrade, capital of Yugoslavia, for the first time today, the German DNB agency reported, and also hit several other Southeastern European cities, including Brasov, Romania.

LONDON, Monday, April 17— (AP) —
Russian forces, capturing Axis troops at the rate of 3,000 a day, toppled the South Crimean stronghold of Yalta and 40 other villages yesterday as they closed in swiftly from the southeast on Sevastopol, where thousands of Germans and Romanians trying to escape to sea were being blasted by Soviet bombers Moscow announced early today.

WASHINGTON, April 16— (AP) —
In the very act of signing a treaty outlawing war, the Japanese government took care 15 years ago to leave a diplomatic door open for It’s attack on Pearl Harbor.


Other Cities
Also Bombed
From South
LONDON, April 16—(AP)'
American bombers from the Mediterranean area heavily "raided Belgrade, capital of Yugoslavia, for the first time today, the German DNB agency reported, and also hit several other Southeastern European cities, including Brasov, Romania.
The G e r m a n  a g e n c y ' s  broadcast said damage and casualties were heavy in Belgrade and its environs as the Americans attacked through clouds.
Brasov, also known as Kronstadt, is the  Industrial center "of the Transylvania area 80 miles north northwest of Bucharest. The German account said the American
raids were fiercely opposed by German and Romanian fighter planes.
The reported raid on Belgrade) was the first ever made by the Allies and the first of any sort since the Germans laid waste to the city in the heavy raids April 6, 1941, when they Invaded Yugoslavia. The German bombers were reported at the time to have killed about 12,000 persons.
Belgrade, now capital of the German puppet state of Serbia, is one of the most Important crossroads from Central Europe to the Middle East. As such, It has been German headquarters for all the Balkans since last October.

Singapore Actions Near
"Allies Strike -
Kuriles, Naura
Associated Press War Editor
American air raiders struck at-both ends of the 3,000-mile Pacific front, .carrying their raids against the  northern Kurile islands into -'the' fifth- straight .'day. and. .renewing their attacks on equatorial Naura after a 'month's' layoff.
Simultaneously, Adm. Lord Louis Mountbatten moved his Southeast Asia headquarters' from New Delhi to Ceylon, -indicating the long expected
amphibious actions directed  at Singapore may be drawing near, despite the Japanese penetration of India.
LONDON, Monday, April 17— (AP) —
Russian forces, capturing Axis troops at the rate of 3,000'a day, toppled the South Crimean stronghold of Yalta and 40 other villages yesterday as they closed in swiftly from the southeast on Sevastopol, where thousands of Germans and Romanians trying to escape to sea were being blasted by Soviet bombers Moscow announced early today.
Sevastopol's fall was expected shortly as Russian artillery mounted three and one-half miles north of the city pumped shells into the scarred city. Front dispatces said Soviet troops were fighting in the suburbs within two miles of the 'citadel.

Jap Attack Plan
Fifteen Years Old
WASHINGTON, April 16— (AP) —
In the very act of signing a treaty outlawing war, the Japanese government took care 15 years ago to leave a diplomatic door open for It’s attack on Pearl Harbor.
Japanese hedging on the Kellog? renunciation of war pact was revealed today In two volumes of 1929 diplomatic documents published by the state department.
The hitherto secret papers also disclosed that in the same year, the U, S. and Britain agreed to pare down their naval forces as a step to promote peace. A tentative proposal under which neither nation would build bases in the hemisphere
in which the other is situated also was considered at the Rapldan, Va. conference between President Hoover and British Prime Minister Ramsay MacDonald.


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