Tuesday, July 31, 2012

July 31, 1944;



American armored troops, ripping the German western flank loose
,greatest tingle day's gains since the invasion of France June 6.
While British and Canadian troops on the center of the
Normandy front launched and hotly pressed a new offensive
that gained as much as a mile an hour, the Americans slammed
through Brehal, Cavray and Percy for advances up to seven
miles and thrust rapidly onward possibly to double the distance
made on the flaming Sabbath.
Exact extent of the swift American surge could not be disclosed,but the armored spearheads, followed by doughboys, appeared to be breaking clear out of the confines of the Normandy Peninsula and totally outflanking the German defenses along  the whole American-British-Canadian front.

LONDON, July 31. (Monday) AP Cm. Ivan Cherniakhoysky,
37-yair-old Jewish tank expert, yesterday sent his Third White Russian Army troops crashing seven miles into the Suwalki triangle of German East Prussia in a sudden powerful offensive which hurled the enemy out of 300 towns and villages on a 68-mile front.
A Moscow bulletin announced the capture of Ciby, seven miles inside the Suwalki triangle which Germany took from conquered Poland in 1939 and annexed to East Prussia.
Russians under Cherhovsky. one 0f  the
ablest soviet military leaders, were within 24 miles of -German East Prussia proper, and Berlin also announced a "major" 'soviet as- . sault in the Augusto'w sector, 21 miles southwest of Giby and only eight miles, from prewar German
East Prussia.
Smashing through the German lines In gains up to 15 miles. Chernlakhoysky's
northern wing of troops battered their way through Shlyanova, only five miles east of Kaunas, and Boblkly, less than five miles southeast of the former Lithuanian


Monday, July 30, 2012

July 30, 1944; Buzz Bomb Raids Continue:


Buzz Bomb Raids
Continue With
Salvo-Like Tactics
London—AP—The German flying bomb attacks on London and southern England continued with "saturation" tactics yesterday and last night, .the explosive robots coming over like artillery salvos and provoking a terrific fire from coastal antiaircraft guns.

Kingsport, Ten., Sunday, July 30/1944

Supreme Headquarters Allied
Expeditionary F o r c e (AP)—
The greatest U. S. Army offensive since the World War smashed determined German counterattacks in at least 100 duels with; huge Tiger tanks and thrust
11 miles below captured Coutances and thirteen beyond St. Lo Saturday in drives
which threatened to envelop the enemy's Normandy defenses in
a major defeat.
The American assault had progressed 21 miles since it began Tuesday, and was continuing against stiffening but unsuccessful Nazi resistance.
Twin thrusts below Coutances toward Brehal threatened to snare at least some of the Nazis who so narrowly escaped from tho Coutances pocket Thursday and Friday.
The Brehal road junction-already was under American artillery fire.
Nazi Excuse s
The German radio began to talk of the necessity of a wholesale withdrawal along the entire 40 mile western wing of the invasion; front even while the enemy was'
making desperate counterattacks on the American east flank near; Tessy-Sur-Vire with tank forces pulled out of the static front facing! the British east of Caen.
Victory Of
Guam Battle
U. S. Pacific Fleet Headquarters,
Pearl Harbor — /P —
 "Orote Peninsula is ours," 'Adm. Chester W. Nlmitz announced Saturday night,
reporting the outstanding triumph of the invasion of Guam. Organized resistance ceased Friday, giving the invaders a 4,700-foot airfield, the Sumay Naval Base and
the shell-shattered barracks where a tiny garrison of Marines was overwhelmed by Nipponese invaders at the outset of the war. Remnants of an American flag which the Japanese had used for a cushion was found in the barracks' ruins.
Patrol Harbor
PT boats patrolled the Apra Harbor to guard against the few survivors of the 2,000 Japanese trapped on the Peninsula from swimming to their own lines elsewhere on Guam
The large quanity of booty seized included 30 tanks, 72 field pieces and coastal guns up to eight-inchers.
On Tinian, adjacent to conquered Saipan, another invasion force has occupied approximately two-thirds of that air base island and are storming the bomb-blasted
town of Tinian

Buzz Bomb Raids
Continue With
Salvo-Like Tactics
London—AP—The German flying bomb attacks on London and southern England continued with "saturation" tactics yesterday and last night, .the explosive robots coming over like artillery salvos and provoking a terrific fire from coastal antiaircraft guns.
At times the sky over the English Channel was dotted with the speeding bombs. Coastal watchers saw RAF fighters and ground guns knock down a number of them. While despairing rescuers still dug for victims of Friday night's hospital


Sunday, July 29, 2012

July 29, 1944; Robots Bring Death in Southern England:



B-29s in
Day Raid
Planes Strike Palau;
Marine Invaders of
Guam, Tinian Advance
WASHINGTON. July 29. (U.P)—
The Superfortress raid on Japanes industrial targets nt Anshan, Manchuria, and Tangku, China, achieved good results and- our losses were "extremely light," the
war department announced today.
Associated Press War Editor Striking boldly at the industrial heart of the enemy,
Superfortresses raided Japan's great arsenals in Manchuria for the first time today.
Four hours after the war department announced B-29 raids upon the Mukden area
of Manchuria, the Tokyo radio acknowledged attacks upon the important industrial cities of Anshan and Peuhsihu,. in .eastern Manchuria. The war department withheld details.
The jumbled Tokyo broadcast indicated that the Japanese may have claimed the destruction of one of the bombers, and added, "no material damage was suffered by industrial installations, but residential quarters sustained some slight damage."
Anshan is an iron and steel center of 200,000 population. Penhsihu produces coal and cement. The B-29S hit in daylight today, in contrast to their two previous strikes—June 15 and July 1—both against Japan, at night.
Attack on Palau
Tokyo radio had other bad news to report—an attack by 500 carrierbased planes upon Palau Friday, and a simultaneous strike by 20 carrier planes "south of Palau." There was no Allied confirmation of these raids. American carrier planes attacked Palau. 530 miles east of the Philippines, Tuesday and Wednesday, destroying 26 Japanese planes and sinking a destroyer and seven smaller vessels.

Attack Is
American Forces
Rush Past Coutances
for 8-Mile Gain
American armor defeated the Germans in a big tank battle in western Normandy
today and resumed .the powerful drive which had captured Coutances and carried to the sea, trapping thousands of Nazi troops in a pocket to the north.
The first major German counteraction
against the First Army offensive fanning out through Normandy VMS crushed decisively in an hourslong battle of United States Shermans and German Tigers and Panthers some 11 miles' south of St. Lo near the east bank of the Vire river
in the vicinity of Tessy-Sur-Vire. Normandy information at supreme headquarters late today was outdated by front reports of the big tank battle, and American advances beyond the points mentioned by spokesman here.
The spokesman said the Americans captured St. Malo dc la Lande, 3 1/2
miles northwest of Coutances, and reached the coast in that area. They
reached the area of Lengronne, 2 ½ ,miles west of St. Denis le Cast, and southeast of St. Lo advanced a mile in the area of St. Jean den Baisants

Death Strikes in Robot
Form Near Correspondents
United Press War Correspondents
LONDON, July 29. (AP)
The Nazis adopted a new "mass attack" technique in hurling flying bombs at London and southern England during the night, sending the robots over in batches with brief lulls between each onslaught. The attacks took a fresh toll of casualties, including patients in a hospital which was badly damaged. Among the victims were nurses, some of whom despite their injuries, helped volunteer rescue squads carry patients from the hospital under showers of sparks and red hot embers.


July 28, 1944; U. S. Casualities 313, 087:


U. S. Casualties
Exceed Total Toll
In 1st World War
Loss Note Stands 313,087,
With 63,000 Americans
Listed as Killed

Charleston, West Virginia. Friday Morning, July 28, 1944

6 Key German
Bastions Fall
To Russ Blitz
Most Staggering Series
Of Defeats of Entire
War Handed Enemy
LONDON, July 28.— (Friday—(AP)
Russian troops, inflicting the war's most staggering, series of defeats on the
Germans, yesterday cut the enemy's last big escape route out of the Baltic states and toppled the major fortress cities of Lwow, Blalystok and Stanislawow in powerful surges through Poland toward Germany and captive Czechoslovakia.
Premier-Marshal Joseph Stalin in an unprecedented issuance of five orders of the day announced the fall of six major German strongholds, including Daugarpils and Rezekne in Latvia, on this "Black Thursday" for Germany.

Lessay, Canisy,
Periers Taken
In Twin Smash
Bradley Hurls Big Armor
At Nazis, Forcing
Chaotic Retreat
Lightning U. S. tank columns shattered the Germans' western Normandy line yesterday in a s u d d e n breakthrough that plunged the enemy into chaotic retreat and drove to within five miles of strategic coutances, whose fall might trap the entire 84th corps of seven battered Nazi divisions.
Thundering lines of tanks, halftracks and self-propelled artillery, revealed by supreme headquarters for the first time to be striking in divisional strength in the greatest armored blow since D-day, smashed all organized resistance, field
 commanders declared.

U. S. Casualties
Exceed Total Toll
In 1st World War
Loss Note Stands 313,087,
With 63,000 Americans
Listed as Killed
WASHINGTON, July 27.—(AP)-
American troops, on the road to victory in two hemispheres, already have paid a bigger price in dead and wounded than the toll exacted throughout the first World war.
New casualty figures announced today show that all branches of the armed forces now have lost 313087 including 63,000 dead. World War I casualties numbered
278,828, of whom approximately 60,000 were combat deaths The figures apply to all branches of service.World War I lasted 19 months, for the United States; this conflict is in its 31st, for the Americans.
The approximate casualties now are: (dead, wounded, prisoners, missing)
Army, 207.283.
Navy, 50,496.
Saipan, 16.463.
Guam, 3,018.
Normandy, 24,162.
Air forces, 11,665.
Total, 313,087.


Friday, July 27, 2012

July 27, 1944

Charleston, West Virginia                           Thursday Morning, July 27, 1944
Americans Maul
Crack Divisions
14 Towns Fall to Attacks
67 Tank-Led Troops
AEP, July 27.—(Thursday)—(AP)_
A great combined American tank and Infantry assault smashed through the German first and second defense lines and into rear artillery positions west of St. Lo Wednesday, scoring gains up to four miles deep through a four-mile-wide breach in the Nazi positions.
At least 14 towns, including two Important road junctions, fell- in the drive, which outflanked the stubborn Nazi line running northwestward
to the coast.
On the eastern flank of the Allies' Normandy beachhead the British- Canadian offensive bumped to a standstill against the toughest defense belt yet encountered, and press dispatches reaching London early today reported a serious setback in the Orne-Odon wedge where the British were said to have been hurled from the town of Esquay and strategic Hill 111. This dispatch remained without headquarters confirmation.
The new American push in the second day was "marked by a precision and cooperation among armored infantry, artillery and air units not reached by any American army thus far in the war," Associated Press Correspondent Wes Gallagher wrote from the front late last night.

Warsaw Flanked
By Russ Assault
Narva Captured in North;
Other Attacks Gain
LONDON, July 27.—(Thursday)—
Russian troops, having reached the Wisla (Vistula) river on a 30-mile front in central Poland, fought today for bridgeheads on the western bank which would outflank Warsaw, 7 miles to the northwest, and place them across the last large
natural defense line guarding Germany, 140 miles away.

Florence Fall
Expected Soon
8th Army Smashes Within
Eight Miles of City
ROME, July 26.(AP)—
Spearheaded by New Zealand veterans of Cassino, 8th army forces smashed today within eight miles of the open city of Florence, which was expected to fall without a struggle once its outer defenses were breached.
The Berlin radio said July 1 that Adolf Hitler had declared Florence an open city to protect its" irreplaceable cultural values," and there has since been no report of
Allied planes having attacked the city's rail yards.)
New Zealand tanks and infantry, stabbing forward five miles in two days of bitter fighting against Nazi parachute troops, were reported closing on\ the highway town of San Casciano, less than eight miles south of Florence. Other 8th army columns advanced steadily along a 30-mile front below the city, renowned as the birthplace of modern art.
Nazis Report Offensive
(A German military commentator broadcast that a "full-scale" Allied attack was launched south of Florence on Tuesday and that after hard fighting Nazi troops "systematically detached themselves from the enemy in a northern direction."
Another enemy broadcast said the Allies also had opened a strong new offensive along the Adriatic coast above Ancona.)

Guam Invaders
Thrust Inland

 Two U.S. armored columns
streamed southward in drives west of
St. Lo yesterday as the new American
offensive in this sector advanced
up to eight miles.
One armored spearhead pushed on
from St. Gilles, 3i miles west of St. Lo,
captured Canisy, and drove 54 miles from
St. Gilles to Les Mesnil Herman, where
it cut the important St. Lo-Avranches
The other armored column broke
through from Marigny, seven miles west
of St. Lo, to the St. Lo-Cputances road
after meeting heavy opposition. It progressed
to within five miles of Coutances,
which controls a network of eight roads
near the west coast.
