Saturday, July 21, 2012

July 21, 1944;


 A traveler reaching Sweden Friday declared that two German divisions
revolted  in Prussia, apparently touching off the movement which culminated in the reported bomb attempt on Adolph Hitler's life
* * *
The newspaper Aftonbladet . quoted an "unconfirmed report from a private source" Friday saying "SS units are marching: to Berlin to maintain oder" The newspaper often has taken a pro-nazi line

Canadian troops advancing a mile Friday captured St Martin de Fonteney,
five miles south of Caen beyond St Andre sur Orne
South of the Caumont-Tilly road, British units advanced ],000 yards (more than half a mile).

England Still Unable
to Combat Flying Bomb
LONDON (AP)—Salvos of flyingbombs exploded in London and south England Friday and Home Security Minister Herbert Morrison in a grave speech urged
mothers to evacuate the capital and other danger zones.

By J B Krueger
(Associated Press War Editor)
Rugged American marines and infantrymen poured ashore on Guam Friday bent on wresting from Japan the first bit of United States territory seized in the Pacific


Just What, Is Transpiring Remains Secret
Owing to Broken Communications Between
Berlin and the Rest of the World
 A traveler reaching Sweden Friday declared that two German divisions
revolted  in Prussia, apparently touching off the movement which culminated in the reported bomb attempt on Adolph Hitler's life
* * *
The newspaper Aftonbladet . quoted an "unconfirmed report from a private source" Friday saying "SS units are marching: to Berlin to maintain oder" The newspaper often has taken a pro-nazi line
* * *
Broken communications Friday cloaked what appeared to be perhaps the initial stages of civil war within Adolf  Hitter’ s reich.
Henrich Himmler, the ace hangman, apparently had thrown his gestapo into the task of bloodily purging all those sympathetic with rebellious army officers who
Hitler declared, had tried to kill him.
Berlin announced execution of a group of conspirators declared linked with a plot to remove the German fuehrer and clear the way for a surrender as in 1918 Among
those executed was the colonel who was, alleged to have placed a bomb
only a little over six feet from the closely guarded dictator
Highest former German military quarters apparently were involved in the plot.
The German news agency Transocean, named one of the plotters as Col Gen Ludwjg Beck former chief of the German general staff who left that post in
1938 But it did not say what had happened to him.

British Army
Held to Small
Gains By Nazis
Effort to Bring Main
German Army to Battle
So Far Unsuccessful
Canadian troops advancing a mile Friday captured St Martin de Fonteney,
five miles south of Caen beyond St Andre sur Orne
South of the Caumont-Tilly road, British units advanced ],000 yards (more than half a mile).
'American troops cut a larger portion of the Peners-St. Lo road, but on the whole the supreme command announced that virtually continuous rain for 36
hours had "interfered with ground operations

Evacuation of
Children Urged
England Still Unable
to Combat Flying Bomb
LONDON (AP)—Salvos of flyingbombs exploded in London and south England Friday and Home Security Minister Herbert Morrison in a grave speech urged
mothers to evacuate the capital and other danger zones. It is a trying attack ' he said at a luncheon meeting, and there is no point in making light of it
Let me give the parents of London a warning Do not be influenced by a quiet night now and then, by  even by a few quieter days and nights.

U. S. Marines
and Infantry
Invade Guam
Landings Hade With
Little Loss Under
Thunderous Barrage
By J B Krueger
(Associated Press War Editor)
Rugged American marines and infantrymen poured ashore on Guam Friday bent on wresting from Japan the first bit of United States territory seized in the Pacific
They began landing Thursday (U S time) under a thunderous warship and aircraft barrage which tore at Guam's remaining defenses which for 17 straight
days had been under unprecedented softening up attack The landing and bombardment are continuing Adm Chester W Nimitz in an unusual early-morning communique at 1 30 a m Honolulu time (6 a m central war time) dis closed that the long-awaited invasion had begun, 13 days after the fall of Saipan 130 miles to the northeast.


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