Sunday, July 8, 2012

July 8, 1944; Additional Post; Censorship:in Stars and Stripes:


RENO, NEVADA, SATURDAY, JULY 8. 1944                                                                        page 4

In the News
COL. EGBERT WHITE, who insisted that a servicemen's newspaper should belong to the servicemen and should be directed by experienced newspapermen, has been relieved of his command as director of the Mediterranean area editions of the "Stars and Stripes."
White's removal climaxes his efforts to obtain a more extensive coverage of political and other controversial news from the United States.
It has been apparent for some time that army authorities are determined that our soldiers abroad shall not be exposed to any literature that smacks of politics—especially Republican politics ”Stars and Stripes” is required to feed soldiers in the Mediterranean theater only what the army news service and the psychological warfare branch consider good for them. Magazine supplements to the servicemen's newspaper have been abolished. Negotiations whereby the paper would get a daily budget of two thousand words from the Associated Press have been vetoed. "Stars and Stripes" was required to squeeze the story of the nomination of Governor Dewey into 550 words.
Several weeks ago the New York Herald Tribune was moved to comment that
"unless some provocative discussion of the presidential campaign appears in Stars and Stripes only a small percentage of the American troops will vote."


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