Charleston, West Virginia Thursday Morning, July
27, 1944
Americans Maul
Crack Divisions
14 Towns Fall to
67 Tank-Led
AEP, July
A great combined
American tank and Infantry assault smashed through the German first and second
defense lines and into rear artillery positions west of St. Lo Wednesday,
scoring gains up to four miles deep through a four-mile-wide breach in
the Nazi positions.
At least 14
towns, including two Important road junctions, fell- in the drive, which
outflanked the stubborn Nazi line running northwestward
to the coast.
On the eastern
flank of the Allies' Normandy beachhead the British- Canadian offensive bumped
to a standstill against the toughest defense belt yet encountered, and press
dispatches reaching London early today reported a serious setback in the
Orne-Odon wedge where the British were said to have been hurled from the town
of Esquay and strategic Hill 111. This dispatch remained without headquarters
The new American
push in the second day was "marked by a precision and cooperation among
armored infantry, artillery and air units not reached by any American army thus
far in the war," Associated Press Correspondent Wes Gallagher wrote from
the front late last night.
Warsaw Flanked
By Russ Assault
Narva Captured
in North;
Other Attacks
LONDON, July 27.—(Thursday)—
Russian troops, having reached
the Wisla (Vistula) river on a 30-mile front in central Poland, fought today
for bridgeheads on the western bank which would outflank Warsaw, 7 miles to the
northwest, and place them across the last large
natural defense line guarding Germany,
140 miles away.
8th Army Smashes
Eight Miles of
ROME, July 26.(AP)—
Spearheaded by New Zealand
veterans of Cassino, 8th army forces smashed today within eight miles of the open
city of Florence, which was expected to fall without a struggle once its outer
defenses were breached.
The Berlin radio said July 1 that
Adolf Hitler had declared Florence an open city to protect its" irreplaceable
cultural values," and there has since been no report of
Allied planes having attacked the
city's rail yards.)
New Zealand tanks and infantry, stabbing
forward five miles in two days of bitter fighting against Nazi parachute
troops, were reported closing on\ the highway town of San Casciano, less
than eight miles south of Florence. Other 8th army columns advanced steadily
along a 30-mile front below the city, renowned as the birthplace of modern art.
Report Offensive
(A German military commentator broadcast
that a "full-scale" Allied attack was launched south of Florence on
Tuesday and that after hard fighting Nazi troops "systematically detached
themselves from the enemy in a northern direction."
Another enemy broadcast said the
Allies also had opened a strong new offensive along the Adriatic coast above
Thrust Inland
Two U.S. armored columns
streamed southward in drives west of
St. Lo yesterday as the new American
offensive in this sector advanced
up to eight miles.
One armored spearhead pushed on
from St. Gilles, 3i miles west of St. Lo,
captured Canisy, and drove 54 miles from
St. Gilles to Les Mesnil Herman, where
it cut the important St. Lo-Avranches
The other armored column broke
through from Marigny, seven miles west
of St. Lo, to the St. Lo-Cputances road
after meeting heavy opposition. It progressed
to within five miles of Coutances,
which controls a network of eight roads
near the west coast.
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