Buzz Bomb Raids
Continue With
Salvo-Like Tactics
London—AP—The German flying bomb attacks
on London and southern England continued with "saturation" tactics
yesterday and last night, .the explosive robots coming over like artillery
salvos and provoking a terrific fire from coastal antiaircraft guns.
Kingsport, Ten., Sunday, July 30/1944
Supreme Headquarters Allied
Expeditionary F o r c e (AP)—
The greatest U. S. Army offensive
since the World War smashed determined German counterattacks in at least 100
duels with; huge Tiger tanks and thrust
11 miles below captured Coutances
and thirteen beyond St. Lo Saturday in drives
which threatened to envelop the
enemy's Normandy defenses in
a major defeat.
The American assault had
progressed 21 miles since it began Tuesday, and was continuing against
stiffening but unsuccessful Nazi resistance.
Twin thrusts below Coutances toward
Brehal threatened to snare at least some of the Nazis who so narrowly escaped
from tho Coutances pocket Thursday and Friday.
The Brehal road junction-already
was under American artillery fire.
Nazi Excuse s
The German radio began to talk of
the necessity of a wholesale withdrawal along the entire 40 mile western wing
of the invasion; front even while the enemy was'
making desperate counterattacks on
the American east flank near; Tessy-Sur-Vire with tank forces pulled out of the
static front facing! the British east of Caen.
Victory Of
Guam Battle
U. S. Pacific Fleet Headquarters,
Pearl Harbor — /P —
"Orote Peninsula is ours," 'Adm.
Chester W. Nlmitz announced Saturday night,
reporting the outstanding triumph
of the invasion of Guam. Organized resistance ceased Friday, giving the invaders
a 4,700-foot airfield, the Sumay Naval Base and
the shell-shattered barracks
where a tiny garrison of Marines was overwhelmed by Nipponese invaders at the outset
of the war. Remnants of an American flag which the Japanese had used for a cushion
was found in the barracks' ruins.
Patrol Harbor
PT boats patrolled the Apra
Harbor to guard against the few survivors of the 2,000 Japanese trapped on the
Peninsula from swimming to their own lines elsewhere on Guam
The large quanity of booty seized
included 30 tanks, 72 field pieces and coastal guns up to eight-inchers.
On Tinian, adjacent to conquered
Saipan, another invasion force has occupied approximately two-thirds of that air
base island and are storming the bomb-blasted
town of Tinian
Buzz Bomb Raids
Continue With
Salvo-Like Tactics
London—AP—The German flying bomb attacks
on London and southern England continued with "saturation" tactics
yesterday and last night, .the explosive robots coming over like artillery
salvos and provoking a terrific fire from coastal antiaircraft guns.
At times the sky over the English
Channel was dotted with the speeding bombs. Coastal watchers saw RAF fighters
and ground guns knock down a number of them. While despairing rescuers still
dug for victims of Friday night's hospital
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