Monday, November 11, 2013

Noember 11, 1939; Americans advised to leave Netherlands:


Americans Will
Be Told to Leave
Danger Zone
Precautionary Moves
Against Invasion
Are Spreading

Amsterdam, Nov. 10.—AP—An authorized statement tonight said the Netherlands would ask Germany to Investigate last night's fatal border incident which it referred to as a "serious crime." . The statement was made public the United States consulate announced that Americans would be advised tomorrow to leave the Netherlands, which like neighboring Belgium was speeding precautionary measures against invasion.

The official account of the event* near the Venloo border station and a group crossed the frontier from Germany, killed one man, wounded another and took the victims and several companions in a Netherlands automobile back to Germany.

The government meanwhile tightened restrictions on news transmission out of The Netherlands as a result of stories in the last few days on military preparations.

Roosevelt Works on
Program to Relieve
Seamen Affected by
Neutrality Law

Washington, Nov. 10.—AP—The proposal to transfer eight United States Lines vessels to the Panama flag caused new disagreements in Roosevelt ranks today, but White House callers predicted that the president ultimately would approve the plan.

Meanwhile Mr. Roosevelt disclosed that he was working on a far-reaching program to afford relief to many of the thousands of seamen whose livelihood is threatened by the fact that the neutrality act. bars American ships and American crews from the war zones. The program includes sending the seamen to training: schools at government expense giving them unemployment Insurance and other relief.

The flag: transfer proposal, made by the United States Lines, drew from Rep. Rayburn of Texas, house democratic leader, the flat statement "I'm opposed to it". Sen. Pittman (D.. Nev.), chairman of the senate foreign; relations committee and leader of the fight for the new neutrality set, asserted that "our government should be super cautious in subjecting itself to, any criticism, or even suspicion, of evasion of neutrality."


By Associated Press
PRES. ROOSEVELT leads the United States today in a somber observance of the 21st anniversary of an armistice now ended for three other world powers that fought in "the other war."

This anniversary found him appealing for aid to the sufferers of a new European war. In a statement, he asked for contributions to the American Red Cross because "as the war continues the suffering will greatly Increase and need for assistance will multiply many times."

HE ISSUED the statement last night as he prepared to make his annual pilgrimage to lay, in silence, a wreath on the tomb of the unknown soldier at Arlington National Cemetery, Across the Potomac from Washington.

Twenty-one years ago this day another president—Woodrow Wilson—Issued another statement from the White House. It said:

"The armistice was signed this morning. Everything for which America fought has been accomplished.

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