Anti-Aircraft Fire Drive?
Off German AirAttackers
By United Press
LONDON", Nov. 13.—German
airplanes bombed the Shetland Islands today, the Admiralty announced. Except
for broken windows in houses there was no damage. "Two attacks on the
Shetland Islands were made today by enemy aircraft which were driven off by anti-aircraft
fire," the Admiralty said. "Bombs were dropped
but they did no damage. Some bombs fell into the sea and some fell on land, the
explosions breaking the windows of houses."
A German airplane, it was
learned, made a reconnoitering flight over the Shetland Islands last Tuesday
and again Friday.
The Shetlands are north of
Scotland. 600 miles from Germany. The target of the German raiders was not
known. It was thought possible, however, that some units of the British fleet
may have been, stationed at the Shetlands, although the major bases are further
south in the Orkney Islands and the Firth of Forth area.
H e l s
i n g f o r s R e c a l l s
FromSoviet Capital
By United Press
HELSINFORS, Nov. 13. —Finnish -
Soviet negotiations have "definitely ended" without agreement and the
Finnish delegation to the Kremlin will return to Helsingfors tonight, Foreign
Minister J. E. Errko announced today. The recall of the Finnish delegation ended
negotiations, for the timeat least, on Russian territorial despute
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