Retaliatory Move Bared as
Mines Take Heavy Toll
of Life and Ships.
LONDON, Nov. 21.—(UP)—Great
Britain has decided to seize exports of German ownership or origin on the high
seas, Prime Minister Chamberlain announced today in retaliation for what he
called "many violations of international law and the ruthless brutality of
German methods."
As Chamberlain made this
announcement in the house of commons, attributing to German mines the heavy
merchant ship losses off the British east coast of the past few days, another
ship, the 11,930- ton Japanese passenger liner Tenikuni Maru, was sunk off the
east coast.
26 PASSENGERSThe sinking Japanese liner, which could be seen from the shore, carried a crew of 180 and 26 passengers one of them British
Artillery Heard on West
Front; German Ship
Seizures Told.
BERLIN, Nov. 21.—(AP)—French artillery abruptly ended a
35-hour silence on the western front today with heavy shelling in the Perl
sector, at the junction of the German French and Luxembourg borders the
official German news agency reported. The
agency, DNB, said the rest o: the 100-mile western front sector between the Moselle and the Rhine rivers was
quiet.On the upper Rhine front, French searchlight batteries were active during the night at several points, DNB interpreted this as due to the enemy's nervousness."
The agency said there was heavier rifle and anti-tank fire here, and that floods had forced the French to clear out of some bunkers. German submarines, co-operating with the Nazi air force in the Baltic and North seas, have compelled 127 merchant ships to enter German harbors for search since the beginning of the war, it was reported.
Tonnage of the vessels searched, it was said, totaled 245,455. Because the ships or their cargoes were not subject to seizure under prize laws, they were discharged, DHB stated.
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