177 Persons Reported
Dead or Missing
London, Nov. 20—(.T)—Mines at least
temporarily supplanted submarines as the leading sea menace off the British
coast today as the floating explosives added still further to the war's
greatest week-end toll for merchant shipping.
Eight vessels were reported sunk in
the North sea during the weekend, with 177 persons dead or missing.Trawler Sunk
The sinking included the 345-ton British trawler Wigmore with a crew of 16 and the 1,267-ton British collier Torchbearer, which were disclosed today. Four survivors of the Torchbearer's crew, reported to have numbered 13, were landed at an English port.
The total tonnage of the eight vessels
was 27,748. Neutrals were the chief sufferers, losing five ships to Britain's
The sunken vessels were:
Simon Bolivar, Netherlands, 8,309
tonsGrazia, Italian, 5,857 tons.
Blackhlll, British, 2,492 ions.
B. O. Borjesson, Swedish, 1.586 tons.
Carlca Milica, Yugoslav, 6,371 tons.
Kaunas, Lithuanian, 1,521 tons.
Torchbearer, British, 1,267 tons.
Wigmore, British, 345 tons.
Full Loss Not Computed
Authorities had not computed the full loss of life in the sinking Saturday of the Netherlands liner Simon Bolivar, but the number was
set tentatively at 140. Eleven were believed drowned or killed by explosions onboard the four other ships.
The admiralty accused Germany of
laying the mines, and the British, press today raged against the Nazis, stressing
the presence of women and children aboard the Simon, Bolivar,
which was bound for the West Indies from Amsterdam.
In Berlin, however, German
authorities declared "a German mine could not have been responsible'' for
the sinking of the Simon Bolivar.
Remarks at Site of His
L i b r a r y BringSpeculation
Hyde Park, N. Y., Nov. 20—(AP)—Another wave of speculation over President Roosevelt's political intentions rolled along today in the wake of a speech in which he expressed hope that his collections and papers would be ready for "public inspection and use by the spring; of 1941.
In a bantering mood yesterday at the
site of the library that will house the private papers of his public life, the
president said he hoped "my good friends of the press" would give
"due interpretation to the expression of my hope that when we open the
building to the public it will be a fine day."
CornerstoneThe remark was interpolated in his address at the laying of the library cornerstone on the Roosevelt estate and interpreted by most reporters as meaning the president actually is enjoying all the hullabaloo over whether he will aim for a. third term.
The disclosure that the
president's correspondence would be available to students, historians and
biographers by the middle of 1941 furnished no real clue to his intentions.
It did serve, however, to bring
the third-term puzzle to the fore again by leading to conjecture whether Mr.
Roosevelt would wish the public to have access to records of the new deal's
intimate workings, if he intended to seek re-election next year. Into a copper
box that fitted into the cornerstone of the library, the president tucked copies of
newspapers which printed stories that linked the third term and the 1941 opening
date of the library.
Liberals Seek to Obtain
Local Controlof Patronage
Wisconsin liberal Democrats,
convening in Stevens Point Sunday afternoon, pledged themselves anew to support
President Roosevelt and the national administration and formulated plans to
carry out party organization work in counties and precincts. Nearly 400 men and
women from 48 counties assembled at the armory as representatives of the
Democratic Party Organization of Wisconsin, volunteer group which was organized
at Oshkosh last April. Gustave J. Keller of
Appleton presided as president.
"New Deal" DelegatesThe organization went on record by resolution to select exclusively delegates to the Democratic national convention who are pledged to the policies of the national administration and of President Roosevelt. It directed, in this resolution, that its executive board make arrangements to call congressional district conferences for selection of district delegates to the national convention, and to call a state conference for selection of delegates at large. It cited that the organization was created for and exists for the purpose of harmonizing the objectives of the Democratic party in Wisconsin with those of the national administration, and to insure their perpetuation locally and nationally, and pledged fidelity to this purpose. This action was in line with one of the principal objectives of the state organization, to line up Wisconsin
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