Monday, June 7, 2010


                  The Salt Lake Tribune
Salt Lake, City, Sunday Morning June 7, 1942

U. S. Sinks Two Plane Carriers,
Damages 11 Other Jap Vessels
Americans Blast Three Battleships,
Four Cruisers of Nippon Fleet
In Momentous Sea Fight Off Midway
Here is the box score of the losses sustained by the
first great hostile fleet to enter American waters In the
eastern Pacific:
Sunk 0r Damaged
Aircraft Carriers 2 (or 3) 1 (or 2)
Battleships 3
Cruisers 4
Transports 3
And all the warplanes carried by from three-to five
airplane carriers were lost.

U. S.—(Official) By Associated Press
PEARL HARBOR, Honolulu, June 6—United States armed
forces have sunk or damaged 13 to 15 warships and transports
of the repulsed Japanese invasion fleet at Midway island and
"a momentous victory is in the making." These include the sinking
of two, and possibly three, aircraft carriers.
Admiral Chester W. Nimitz, commander-in-chief of the
Pacific fleet, enumerated enemy losses Saturday night in his
third communique on the great and continuing battle in the
"Pearl Harbor has now been partially avenged," Admiral
Nimitz said.
Citizens Can Rejoice
"Through the skill and devotion to duty of their armed
forces of all branches in the Midway area," the communique
said, "our citizens can now rejoice that a momentous victory is
in the making.
"It was on a Sunday just six months ago that the Japanese
made their peacetime attack on our fleet and army activities
on Oahu. At that time, they created heavy damage, it is true,
but their act aroused grim determination of our citizenry to
avenge such treachery, and it raised, not lowered, the morale of
our fighting men.

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