Wednesday, October 20, 2010


The Charleston Gazette
Charleston, West Virginia, Tuesday Morning, October" 20, 1942.

Million and Half Pounds of Scrap Piled Up
As People of City, County Exhibit Will To Win
Anti-Axis Holiday
Amazing Success,
OCD Chief Asserts
Thousands of Patriots Celebrate Great Day Here,
As Mayor Lights Mammoth Victory Bonfire;
Newspapers Praised For Their Effort;
Children Aided Their Elders

(E.T's note; This was typical news from all over America as patriotic citizens participated in scrap drives.)

By Harry G. Hoffmann
Charleston witnessed a gigantic demonstration of the will
to win yesterday Its its citizenry turned out en masse to give
tons upon tons of scrap needed so vitally by the nation's
steel mills.
With truck-loads continuing to roll in at midnight, officials
of the United Newspapers Scrap Metal committee estimated
that the Charleston scrap heap alone approached 1,000,000
pounds, while the salvage material was piled high also in
every other community of Kanawha county, for an estimated
500,000 pounds additional.

U. S. Warships
Shell Japanese
At Guadalcanal
American Navy Bombards
Foe's Land Positions,
Sets Off Explosion
Of Ammunition
11 'Zeros' Knocked Out
By Grumman 'Wildcats'
Nipponese Land Offensive
Not Reported Begun;
Kiska Hit Again
(INS)—American warships have
joined In the battle to blast the
Japanese oft Guadalcanal, the
navy announced today, and in a
heavy shelling of enemy land
positions exploded ammunition
dumps and started large fires.
This appearance of American
naval surface units is the first reported
since a task force sank one
enemy heavy cruiser, four destroyers
and one transport in a brief
engagement off Save island north
of Guadalcanal on the night of Oct>
At the same time the navy announced
that a total of 21 Jap
bombers and fighters have been destroyed
and 12 seaplanes strafed
and burned in air battles over
Guadalcanal and in a bombing raid
on Rekata bay. This brings the
total number of enemy planes destroyed
since the battle of the Solomons
began to 340.
Kiska Again Bombed
While American Forces in the
Solomons were pounding out these
telling offensive blows, army Liberator
bombers in the Aleutians
dropped 15 tons of explosives
the Jap camp area at Kiska and
bombed ships beached in the Harbor.
No American planes were lost
in the raid but an overcast prevented
the observation of results.
The shelling of the Jap position
The shelling of the Jap positions
on Guadalcanal by American naval
units took place on the morning
of Oct. 17. Throughout that .day,
the navy stated, American aircraft
made continuous raids on enemy
shore positions.

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