Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Current Events June 21, 1943;

American airmen were revealed today to have carried
out a double-barreled attack on Japanese strongholds in the Gil
bert island group last Friday night, hitting Tarawa at the
same time that another bomber formation struck at Nauru.
The Nauru attack, made by navy fliers, was previously disclosed
by the navy department.

Allied bombers attacked airdromes, wrecking parked aircraft
and ground installations,-and shot down 16 more enemy planes in
a series of new blows at Axis air strength on the stepping stone island
of Sicily yesterday, a communique announced today.

Lancaster bombers
penetrated deep into Southern Germany last night to blast
Friedrichshafen, pre-war Zeppelin center now producing vital
war materials the ministry announced today.

                                San Mateo Times
              SAN MATAEO CALIFORNIA, MONDAY, JUNE 21, 1943

U. S. Maps Plan to Run Mines
Operators Now
Out of Picture,
Capital Thinks
Drastic Steps Seen to Return
500,000 Miners
to Work
(U.P)—Coal Administrator Harold L, Ickes met today with
John L. Lewis regarding the new strike.
The nature of the discussions was not disclosed, but it was
said that Lewis and Ickes would meet again tomorrow.
Ickes' office .issued the following statement:
"Secretary of Interior Ickes and some of his staff today conferred
with the executive officers of the United Mine Workers, John L.
Lewis, John O'Leary, John Owen, and Percy Tetlow. The conference
is to be resumed tomorrow.
U. S. Organization
"There will be no further comment today from the office of the
secretary of interior." Ickes and other government officials
are considering establishment of a "permanent" federal organization
to operate the nation's coal mines for the duration of the
war, it was disclosed today.

2 Jap Isles Raided;
Nip Air Strength
In Pacific Drained
U. S* Bombers
Hit Gilbert
Island Group
(U.P)—American airmen were revealed today to have carried
out a double-barreled attack on Japanese strongholds in the Gil
bert island group last Friday night, hitting Tarawa at the
same time that another bomber formation struck at Nauru.
The Nauru attack, made by navy fliers, was previously disclosed
by the navy department.
These bombings suggested the possibility of an American aerial
offensive against the Gilberts, one of the so-called "hornet's nests'
of Japanese islands flanking the Hawaiian group.
                                     Japs Avoid Fight

ALLIED HEADQUARTERS. North Africa, June 21.-(UP)
Allied bombers attacked airdromes, wrecking parked aircraft
and ground installations,-and shot down 16 more enemy planes in
a series of new blows at Axis air strength on the stepping stone island
of Sicily yesterday, a communique announced today.
The day attack followed a blockbuster right assault Saturday by
British Wellington bombers at Messina at the northeastern tip of Sicily,
opposite the toe of the Italian boot. Bomb bursts were seen on the
ferry terminus and industrial and dock installations.
                                                     Naples Hit Again

LONDON, June.21.-(U.P.)_ Lancaster bombers
penetrated deep into Southern Germany last night to blast
Friedrichshafen, pre-war Zeppelin center now producing vital
war materials the ministry announced today.
After Radio Factory
The main target of the long range bombers, which made a
round trip flight of about 1000 miles, was the Luftschifbau radio
factory. The main buildings of the plant, producing equipment for the
German army, were hit by heavy bombs and damage was believed to
lave been severe.
Three bombers were missing on the long flight to the shore of Lake
Constance, a major production junction for seaplane, flying boats, and

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