Thursday, October 13, 2011

Current Events October 13, 1943;

Italy declared war today on Germany, its one-time ally, and was granted the status of a co-belligerent by the United Nations.  The declaration; made in a proclamation by .Premier Pietro Badoglio, came 35 days after Italy signed the armistice that removed her from the ranks of nations giving military assistance to Germany."
"Italians! There will not be peace in Italy as long as a single German remains on Italian soil," Badoglio said in his proclamation

Anglo-American forces have hammered a 100- square-mile dent in the Germani defense line across Italy in gains ranging up to 10 miles, which brought most of the Naples-1 ermoli highway under allied gunfire and extended the flanking move around the Volturno line.

The Red army announced tonight that it had pierced the German defenses of Kiev, Zaporzhe,Gomel, and Melitopol in new gains which appeared to seal the fate of the four big bases anchoring the crumbling Dnieper
river line
Russian troops are storming near approaches to Kiev, the German evacuation of which is almost complete, front reports said, and 450 miles to the southeast are shelling Kerch in evident preparation for an offensive against the Crimea.
Refugees from Kiev, the cnpital of the Ukraine, wore quoted as saying the Germans had all but abandoned
Kiev, after burning or mopping up its main buildings find driving off its residents for slave labor.

                  The San Mateo Times


             ITALY WARS ON NAZIS
                       5th Army Gains Ten Miles


ALLIED HEADQUARTERS, Algiers, Oct. 13.—(U.P)—
Italy declared war today on Germany, its one-time ally, and was granted the status of a co-belligerent by the United Nations.  The declaration; made in a proclamation by .Premier Pietro Badoglio, came 35 days after Italy signed the armistice that removed her from the ranks of nations giving military assistance to Germany."
"Italians! There will not be peace in Italy as long ai a single German remains on Italian soil," Badoglio said in his proclamation.
(In Washington it was announced that President Roosevelt, Prime Minister Winston Churchill, and Premier Josef Stalin had issued a joint statement congratulating Italy on her action. The statement ssid tbat the granting of a status. of co-belligerent to Italy did -not affect the terms of the armistice granted to Badoglio.) Badoglip's proclamation contained a bitter denunciation of Gerrman "arrogance and ferocity."
German troops, he said, had compelled some Italian units to disarm and had attacked others. He denounced "robbery and violence" on the part of the Germans in Catania and said the actions of the German
troops in Naples "surpassed every limit of the human imagination."
                                                                    New Friends
 "Shoulder to shoulder we must march forward with our friends of the United States, of Great Britain,
of Russia and of all the other United Nations," Badoglio's proclamation said.
Badoglio sent a note to Gen, Dwight D. Eisenhower, allied commander in chief in the Mediterranean, informing him of the declaration of war and said that "all ties with the dreadful past are brckeu."


Oct. 13.—(UP)—
Anglo-American forces have hammered a 100- square-mile dent in the Germani defense line across Italy in gains ranging up to 10 miles, which brought most of the Naples-1 ermoli highway under allied gunfire and extended the flanking move around the Volturno line.
                                                               Front Advances
Surging forward in the key sectors of a 50-mile front from Central Italy to the Adriatic, the allies captured the four biff towns of San Croce di Sannio, Riccia, Bonefro and St. Elia.
In the center, the American and British troops thrust another 10 miles beyond the Galore river to seize San Croce di Sannio and Riccia. from where they were in position to threaten directly " the Vinchiaturo junction on the Naples-


LONDON, Oct. 13.—(U.P}--
The Red army announced tonight that it had pierced the German defenses of Kiev, Zaporzhe,Gomel, and Melitopol in new gains which appeared to seal the fate of the four big bases anchoring the crumbling Dnieper
river line
MOSCOW, Oct. 13.—(U.P)-Russian troops are storming near approaches to Kiev, the German evacuation of which is almost complete, front reports said, and 450 miles to the southeast are shelling Kerch in evident preparation for an offensive against the Crimea.
Refugees from Kiev, the cnpital of the Ukraine, wore quoted as saying the Germans had all but abandoned
Kiev, after burning or mopping up its main buildings find driving off its residents for slave labor.
                                                              Guns on Crimea
Military photographs and captions revealed that the Red army of the Caucasus had moved ito artillery up to the Kcrchcnski straits to bombard Kerch, the main town of the finger-like peninsula of  the same name in the Eastern Crimea. Berlin reported that Russia had launched a grcnt new offensive, on a  200-mile central front and signs increased (lint the Red army was----

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