Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Current Events October 4, 1943;

The B r i t i sh eighth army, with the support of Allied naval forces which penetrated the  Adriatic, have landed  a n d clinched positions at Termoli, on t h e Adriatic coast almost midway between t h e I t a l i an
heel and t h e mouth of t h e river Po in northern Italy, official frontline dispatches announced today.

Japanese troops, ousted from Finschhafen, are compressed  i n t o the Huon peninsula in New Guinea and
t h e whole northeastern shore to Madang is menaced by t h e Allies. Huon peninsula juts out toward
strategic New Britain.


                                 MANITOWOC, WIS, MONDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1943

Allies Advance In Italy

New Gains Carved
Out By Americans
And British

The B r i t i sh eighth army, with the support of Allied naval forces which penetrated the  Adriatic, have landed  a n d clinched positions at Termoli, on t h e Adriatic coast almost midway between t h e I t a l i an
heel and t h e mouth of t h e river Po in northern Italy, official frontline dispatches announced today.
Simultaneously, United States troops of Lt. Gen. Mark W. Clark's fifth army, have surged forward from Benevento in their march on Rome from Naples a nd have c a p t u r e d an important crossing of the Calore river, thereby threatening to t u r n the flank of any water defense line
which the Germans may attempt to hold along t h e Volturno river.
Gen. Sir B e r n a r d L. Montgomery's advance up the Adriatic coast, which leads to t h e Po valley, likewise t h r e a t e n e d to turn  t h e  defenses of German Marshals Rommel and Kesselring which
may be centered about Rome and the Appennines.
                                                              Leapfrog Tactics
His march was advanced greatly by t h e leapfrog tactics of amphibious landing forces which seized Termoli by s u r p r i s e . beat; off German counter-attacks----

Japs Caught On
Huon Peninsula

By The Associated Press
Japanese troops, ousted from Finschhafen, are compressed  i n t o the Huon peninsula in New Guinea and
t h e whole northeastern shore to Madang is menaced by t h e Allies. Huon peninsula juts out toward
strategic New Britain.
The veteran Australian ninth division seized Finschhafen Saturday, and  A u s t r a l i a n  s  a r e  pressing
a g a i n s t  t n e   J a p a n e s e  by land. Gen. Douglas MacArthur declared that Allied advances by ground and a i r  s t r i k i n g  up from Lae and over the mountains to the Ramu Valley.

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