Cossack cavalry and Russian infantry captured the pivotal Ukrainian rail
junction of Zhitomir with s. surprise pre-dawn attack today and
threatened imminently to seal the doom of hundreds of thousands of
southeast of the city.
The B r i t i s h government made it clear today that it was ready to
seize control quickly in Lebanon if necessary to protect this strategic
Middle East following reports of clashes between the French and Lebanese
n a t i o n a l i s t s , British troops already are on the spot if
The American beachhead at Empress Augusta bay on the west-central coast
of Bougainville in the northern Solomons has been extended in all
directions. Gen. MacArthur's headquarters reported today that the
Japanese have left 300 dead in fighting there. The beachhead, where the
marines landed on Nov. 1, is on the last big Solomons island barring the
eastern approaches to Rabaul.
The Charleston Gazette
Charleston West Virginia Sunday Morning, November 14, 1943.
Soviets Take Zhitomir,
Rend Nazi Armies' Link
Stalin Acclaims
Soviet Triumph,
Red Guns Boom
Fall of Central Rail Hub
Puts Slavs 60 Miles
From Poland
MOSCOW, Nov. 13—(INS)
southeast of the city.
Occupation of 1.200-year-old Zhitomir severed the lateral trunk railroad that traverses western Russia from Leningrad on the Baltic down to Odessa on the Black sea. It cut the last direct rail artery of retreat for the German hordes beleaguered around Krivoi Bog and Nikopol in the Dnieper river bend. The only avenue of withdrawal or supply left to these enemy forces is a circuitous, single-track railroad leading northwest from Odessa through Lwow to Warsaw.
That line lies roughly 100 milles west of the present front and its use by the Germans for retirement
into Poland and Rumania would involve abandonment of the BUR river reserve defenses and, Indeed, of the entire Soviet Ukraine as it existed before September, 1939.
Lebanon Crisis
Viewed Easing
But British Will Control
If Necessary
LONDON. Nov. 13.(AP) --
The B r i t i s h government made it clear today that it was ready to seize control quickly in Lebanon if necessary to protect this strategic Middle East following reports of clashes between the French and Lebanese n a t i o n a l i s t s , British troops already are on the spot if needed.
While the French - controlled Beirut radio announced that the s i t u a t i o n in Syria and Lebanon was
quiet and charged that reports of disturbances were "enemy propaganda." the British showed that
they definitely did not share this view.
Although British official? declined to .say whether Britain might employ armed forces in the crisis. news correspondents were told that they could not exaggerate the importnnce the qovcrnment attaches to
maintain order in the Near East.
East.Can't Permit Disorders
Particularly, it was emphasized. disorders cannot be permitted in this vital area, for which British troops are responsible.
(page 9)
300 Japs Killed
At Bougainville
HEADQUARTERS. Nov. 14.— (Sunday)—(AP)
The American beachhead at Empress Augusta bay on the west-central coast of Bougainville in the northern Solomons has been extended in all directions. Gen. MacArthur's headquarters reported today that the Japanese have left 300 dead in fighting there. The beachhead, where the marines landed on Nov. 1, is on the last big Solomons island barring the eastern approaches to Rabaul.
Jap Village Taken
In their advances, marines and army troops have occupied Piva village. captured-Japanese artillery
and supplies.The Americans previously had held a rectangular position with the bay on the south, mountains on the north, ihe Piva river on the north and the Laruma river on the west. Prior to tihe village's occupation it had been 50 percent wiped out by dive-bombing attacks.
New Ireland Area Bombed
Allied planes kept up the ceaseless attacks on shipping in the New Ireland-New Britain sector from which the Japanese on Bougainville. A Liberator, in the latest blow, scored a bomb hit which damaged a 7,000 ton merchantman off Kavieng, New Ireland.
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