Monday, November 7, 2011

Current Events November 7, 1943; Vatican bombed;

The Vatican radio stated officially tonight that the Holy See was bombed last night by a single plane which flew over the Vatican at a low level to drop four bombs.
The German news agency late last night reported that the Vatican had been bombed, and claimed that allied planes had carried out the attack. The Vatican radio did not identify the nationality of the plane.

General Douglas MacArthur today announced another smashing allied air blow against the great Japanese air and sea bastion at Rabaul, New Britain, and the jinking or damaging of 21 more enemy vessels—11 of them warships

Premier Joseph Stalin announced tonight that a "real" Anglo-American second front in western Europe, which he declared will greatly accelerate the "approaching" final victory over Germany, is "not far off."
In perhaps the most significant speech of his long career, delivered over the radio on the eve of the 26th birthday of tile bolshevik revolution, Russia's supreme leader broadly hinted that an early allied invasion across the English channel was mapped at the recent  Moscow conference.

                         Vatican Blasted With Bombs
               21 JAP SHIPS BLASTED
                 IN BIG RAID ON RABAUL

                                                    LONG BEACH INDEPENDENT
                                                                               Long Beach, California, Sunday, November 7, 1943

Violation of Holy See Blamed on Nazis
As Move to Alienate Catholic Nations

LONDON, Nov. 6.—(AP)—
The Vatican radio stated officially tonight that the Holy See was bombed last night by a single plane which flew over the Vatican at a low level to drop four bombs.
The German news agency late last night reported that the Vatican had been bombed, and claimed that allied planes had carried out the attack. The Vatican radio did not identify the nationality of the plane.
London observers expressed the belief that the attack was made by the Germans in the hope of alienating the allied cause in predominately C a t h o l i c countries, such as Italy itself and neutral Spain, Portugal and Latin America.
The Vatican broadcast said that the bombs dropped by the unidentified plane fell in a diagonal line running from the observatory to the railway station. Considerable damage was caused to the governor's palace and workshops, but no casualties resulted. Said the Vatican announcer, "We must deeply deplore this violation of Vatican City, whose neutrality-—recognized by all—safeguards the freedom of religion of the world."

Part of Nip Fleet on Way to Bulwark
Bastion Caught by MacArthur Planes

NOT. 7.—(Sunday)—(INS)—
General Douglas MacArthur today announced another smashing allied air blow against the great Japanese air and sea bastion al Rabaul, New Britain, and the sinking or damaging of 21 more enemy vessels—11 of them warships.
Five heavy cruisers were hit at Rabaul and one of them was seen to blow up. Another heavy cruiser was sunk in the New Ireland area north of the Solomons, where a Jap destroyer also was bombed. Two light Jap cruisers and two destroyers were damaged at Rabaul in addition to the heavy craisers.
The other 10 enemy ships either blasted to the bottom orrippled by aerial .torpedoes or brnbs included a 10,500-ton tanker disabled off Kavieng, New Irend; a large cargo ship 'set afire said left burning in the same
 area; a merchant vessel set aflame at Rabaul; a 1000-ton enemy cargi ship bombed off Wewak, New
Guinea, and four small coastal vessels and two small cargo ships bombed in the nortli Solomons.
Enemy resistance at Rabaul cost the Japanese 26 planes shot down and another 24 aircraft probably destroyed. In addition six Jap fighters were shot dowr over the Wewak area for a total in the communique of 56 Nipponese aircraft either destroyed or damaged.


Germany Loses 4,000,000 Men on
Russian Front in Year Leader Says

MOSCOW, Nov. 6—(INS)—
Premier Joseph Stalin announced tonight that a "real" Anglo-American second front in western Europe, which he declared will greatly accelerate the "approaching" final victory over Germany, is "not far off."
In perhaps the most significant speech of his long career, delivered over the radio on the eve of the 26th birthday of tile bolshevik revolution, Russia's supreme leader broadly hinted that an early allied invasion across the English channel was mapped at the recent  Moscow conference.
Asserting that Germany's whole elaborate edifice of satellite states already is breaking up, Stalin named specifically Finland, Hungary and Rumania as on tile verge of "abandoning" the reich. These three and "other Hitler vassals," said, have been "discouraged by Germany's military defeats and have finally lost all faith" in
nazi success.

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