Oakland Tribune
U.S. Fires 2 Italian Battleships, Sinks Cruiser;
Jap Fleet Staggers Under Aleutian Air Pounding
Americans Help Blast Duce's Fleet
CAIRO, June 16.—WO—The United
States Army Air Force and the
RA.F,, operating together for the
first time in the Mediterranean,
have set fire to two Italian battlel
ships. sunk a 10,000 ton Italian
cruiser of the Trenton class, and
scored hits on a smaller cruiser and
a destroyer in four days of heavy
fighting, the R.A.F. announced late
today in a special communique.
In addition, the RA.F. and the
Royal Navy's fleet air arm set fire
to another Italian cruiser and probably
hit a destroyer in a second
Italian naval force during the same
period, the communique said.
Bombs Shatter Eight Ships of Invading Fleet
WASHINGTON. June 16 – (AP)
|Tne Japanese Navy appeared today
to be reeling under the third smash-
ing attack it has suffered at the
hands of the American air forces
as many operational areas of
Following up the Coral Sea and
Midway Island victories, in the
southwestern and middle Pacific
arenas, respectively, the Navy Department
reported late yesterday
that American fliers were pounding
a Japanese invasion force in
the north off the Aleutian Islands.
Nazis Stopped
Cold: Moscow
Three- Day Offensive
At Kharkov Balked,
MOSCOW, June 16.—(UP.)—The
Red Army has halted the Germans
dead in their tracks around Kharkov
and Sevastopol, official Soviet
advices said today.
MOSCOW. June 16.—(AP)—A three day
German assault in an attempt
to cross an important river in the
Kharkov sector has been balked by
Russian hill-top defenses, and the
Nazis now have been forced back
to the defensive, front-line Soviet
dispatches declared today.
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