The Charleston Gazette
Charleston, West Virginia, Monday Morning, June 22, 1942.
Tobruk Falls to Whirlwind Assault,Opening Way For Axis Drive on Egypt;
Japs Land on Second Aleutian Island
Rich Stores Said Seized Much of Supplies Convoyed At Great Cost to Port Believed in Hands Of Rommel New Nazi Anti-Tank Gun Helps in Victory Both British, U. S. Land Giants Prove No Match For Big Weapon
CAIRO, Egypt, June 21.—(AP)—The "second siege" of Tobruk has ended abruptly in a short,overpowering assault which toppled that key supply harbor Into Axis hands and advanced Nazi Marshal Erwin Rommel's armored hosts to the borders of menaced Egypt.
Captured in the overwhelming rush, said German and Italian communiques, were 25,000 British soldiers and several generals—almost a duplication of the number of Italians taken prisoner when the town surrendered to the British on Jan.22, 1941.
Wedge Driven Into Defenses Of Sevastopol Russians Say Nazis Have Spent 100,000 Lives In Effort to Take Crimea Fortress Successive Waves of Men,Tanks Being Hurled Against Soviets MOSCOW, Monday, June 22.—(AP)—Beginning the second year of the war against the Axis with no surrender" resistance along the entire 2,000-mile front, Russia acknowledged officially today that the enemy had succeeded In driving a wedge Into the defenses of Sevastopol although"at the cost of tremendous sacrifices."
Enemy Cruiser Hit by Bombs Army Fliers Find Nippon Force on Kiska, Raid Vessels in Harbor, Sink Transport Isle Is 585 miles From Dutch Harbor
WASHINGTON, June 21.—(INS)—The Navy Department announced this afternoon that army aircraft have hit a Japanese cruiser and sunk a transport in the battle of the Aleutians,but that the enemy has landed troops at Kiska, 585 miles from Dutch Harbor.
Sub Shells Isle Station Off Canada Government Telegraph Post On Vancouver Island Target, No Damage Said Caused
OTTAWA, June 21.—OT—Col. J. L. Ralston, Canadian defense minister, announced today that a government telegraph station on Vancouver island was shelled by a submarine at 10:33 p. m. Pacific time Saturday (2:35 a. m.,Sunday, eastern war time). No damage was caused, he said. The shelled station is located at Estevan Point. Col. Ralston gave no other details of the attack beyond the fact that the information was received here from the Commander in-chief of Canadian west coast defenses.
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