Thursday, June 17, 2010

Current Events June 17, 1942: WAR CONTINUES WORLD WIDE, SEE Todays War summarized:


U.S. Bombers Blast
2 Italian Battleships
London Admits
Convoy Losses
By Axis Planes
Three Vessels Sunk,
4 Others Damaged;
Big Warships Burn
LA LINEA, Spain, June 17
(U.P)— Spanish sources reported
that the British aircraft
carriers Eagle and Argus,
and the 31,000-ton battleship
Malaya, all damaged
in the Mediterranean naval
battle, arrived in Gibraltar
today to remove the dead and
LONDON, J u n e 17.—(AP)-United
States army bombers alone
scored 35 direct hits on t w o I t a l i an
battleships in one of the great
Mediterranean c o n v o y battles
Monday, it was disclosed today.
With the battleships ablaze, a
10,000-ton cruiser a n d t w o destroyers
sunk, a n d two cruisers and two
destroyers damaged by the Joint
American and RAF onslaught, an
I t a l i a n squadron turned and fled
back toward its T a r a n t o base.
The RAF followed up Monday
night and penetrated a smokescreen
to hit one of t h e battleships
British Desert Army Repulses Attacks
On 2 Key Outpost Defending Tobruk
United Press Staff Correspondent
CAIRO, June 17.—(U.P)—British
forces now defending the approaches
to Tobruk and t h e Egypt
i a n frontier, have hurled back
strong axis a t t a c k s on the key imp
e r i a l positions at Sidi Rezegh and
Acroma, middle east headquarters
announced today.
A communique said the British
semi-circular defense line guarding
t h e Tobruk perimeter still was
i n t a c t after day-long attacks on
t h e Acroma outpost, 13 miles
southwest of Tobruk, all of which
were repulsed.
By breaking up an axis move in
t h e Sidi Rezegh area, 20 miles
southeast of Tobruk, the British at
least temporarily balked Col. Gen.
E r w i n Rommel's attempt to outflank
the new imperial line • a n d
invest Tobruk from the east.
The communique said a third
axis force massed opposite British
positions at El Adem, 18 miles dir-
ectly south of Tobruk, failed to

Today's War Summarized
(By United Press)
Armed forces of the United Nations,
bolstered by American air
power in the Mediterranean, batt-
ered axis drives to a halt in Libya
and southern Russia today in cont-
i n u i n g battles against an enemy
pincers toward the middle e a st
On the main fronts, dispatches
LIBYA—Axis thrusts at Acroma,
west of Tobruk, and Sidi Rezegh,
east of Tobruk, repulsed;
fighting continues.
RUSSIA—Supreme German effort
to take Sevastopol defeated in
22-hour battle; Russian counterattacks
on Kharkov front successful
at some points.
GERMANY — RAF used 300
bombers in new raids on German
war factories in Rhineland and
JUGOSLAVIA—Guerillas fighting
new Axis offensive reported
to have captured 1,500 enemy
troops and wiped out an enemy
b a t t e r y in mountains; heavy casualties
on both sides.
C H I N A — Powerful Japanese
forces, seeking t o eliminate Allied
bases from which Tokyo might be
bombed, capture ShangJao on
Hankchow Nanching railroad but
suffer 8,000 casualties.
AUSTRALIA. — J a p a n e s e raid
P o r t Darwin and Port' Moresby,
losing 10 planes; Allied planes
attack Timor, Salamaua, and Lae,
losing seven planes.
VICHY—Marshal Henri Philippe
Petain told t h e French people, on
t h e second anniversary of the
nation's military collapse, that the
government must undertake sterner
punitive measures to stamp out
growing, discontent, public anger and greed.

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