Saturday, June 5, 2010

Current Events June 5, 1942: POISON GAS USED IN CHINA BY JAPANESE:

            Oakland Tribune

Japs Using Gas, Says F.R.; U.S. To Retaliate;
Midway Sea Battle Rages After Foe's Repulse

Tokyo Warned By President
Noxious Vapors Employed Against- Chinese, j
Chief Executive Asserts; Nipponese Told
It's Same Thing as Against This Country
Y/ASIII^GTCX. June 5—(AP)—President Roosevelt told
today of official information that Japan was using poison
gas against China, and grimly declared that if the Japanese
persisted in this form of warfare, the United States would
mete out "retaliation in kind and in full measure."
The reports that Japan on several occasions had resorted
to gas warfare were described by the Chief Executive to his
press conference as authorita-
tive. He read a brief formal!
statement, which he said the!
State Department had pre-
pared, making it unequivo-
cally clear that .the United States j
would consider the use of gas j
against China or any other United
Nation as an action against the
United States.
U.S. Attacking, Nimitz Reports
American Naval Forces Close With Jap
Task Fleet in What May Be Showdown
Fight for Mid-Pacific Island Bases
HONOLULU, June 5.—(AP)—American defenders, spurred
by initial successes, closed battle today with a strong Japa=
nese sea-air task force in what may be a finish fight for pos-
session of Midway Island.
PEARL HARBOR, Hawaii, June 5.—(U.R)—A major naval aerial
battle was developing in mid-Pacific today after United
States forces had damaged a Japanese battleship and as
aircraft carrier, probably damaged other ships and shot
down many planes in beating off a carrier-based plane attack
on Midway Island. Victorious in the first phase of a big
engagement, the United States
Naval and Air Forces w«n
continuing their attack on the
enemy forces off Midway.
It was believed here that,
the Japanese attack on Dutch Har-
bor had been a diversions! one, and
that both the Dutch Harbor and
Midway attacks might be designed
to divert attention from another
major drive— possibly against Hawaii,
the United States or the supply
line to Australia.

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