Pittsfield Massachusetts.
Saturday, August 18, 1945
Peace Envoys
Flying to Manila Tomorrow; Armies on Asian Fronts Begin Surrender
Enemy Plane To
Bring DelegatesTo Okinawa and American
Plane From There On
MANILA (AP)—Japan officially
informed Gen. MacArthur tonight that surrender emissaries would leave Japan Sunday morning—weather
permitting and a headquarters spokesman said
they would be flown straight from le island,
off Okinawa, to Manila.
Japanese in
South China Will
Lay Down Arms
CHUNGKING (AP)—-The Chinese First Army, veterans of the Burma campaign,
entered Canton today and will accept formal surrender of Japanese forces in south
China tomorrow, and plans were under way for overall surrender of Japanese troops
In China.
KwantungArmy Nears Soviet Plane To
Bring Jap Envoy
To Red Headquarters
LONDON (UP)—A Japanese surrender
envoy was en route to the Red Army headquarters in Siberia today and the capitulation
of Japan's defiant Kwantung Army appeared imminent.
to HarbinThe official Russian Khabarovsk radio announced the Kwantung Army's peace move this morning 10 days after the Soviets sent their three Far Eastern armies crashing across the Siberian frontier into Manchuria and Korea.
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