(E. T. and shipmates were in the port of Sanfracisco while thier troop ship,
the S S Cape Henlopen, was being repared and reprovisioned for a return to
the war zone. Most all troops that boarded for the return home were
greatfull and felt that the atomic bomb saved their lives.)
Comments on the news
I am appalled at the
possibilities of this atomic weapon.
From now on war must be made impossible
if the human race is to survive.
With this weapon man can destroy
I wonder if the plant at Pasco, Washington,
is at work on this bomb.
Is More
Than20,000 Tons TNT
Discovery Harnesses the Power Of the Universe; U. S. is Now Prepared To
Obliterate Nippons, President Declares
United States army air force has released on the Japs an atomic bomb containing
more power than 20,000 tons of TNT.
It produces more than 2,000 times
the blast of the largest bomb ever used before.
The announcement of the
development was made in. a statement by President Truman
released by the White House today.
The bomb was dropped 16 hours ago
on Hiro Shima, an important Japanese army base.
The president said that the bomb
has "added a new and revolutionary increase in
destruction" on the Japanese
Here is the power of the atomic
bomb: One bomb equals five trainloads of TNT or two cargo shiploads, or 6,600
Flying Fortress loads during their first strikes
against Berlin, or four times the weight of our heaviest day's assault against
the entire Japanese home islands, or 40 times hte weight of the biggest- assault
of the London blitz. That's one bomb.
There was a faint earth murmur on
the seismograph at Georgetown university last night at six-twenty-two
p.m., the same day the first atomic bomb was dropped upon Japan from an American
NEW YORK, Aug. 6 (AP) —
If the Germans started first with
atomic bombs their lead was probably only a few days. The atomic explosive
possibilities, spring unexpectedly from calculations by a German Jewish womanmathematician, Lize Meitner.
Within two weeks the whole scientific
world knew of her theory and had verified it. Hitler might have had a few weeks
start. His first act was to set a large number of physicists to work on the
ideas Lize Meitner had turned loose.
The man who directed for the army
the two billion dollar job of discovering the new atomic bomb was Maj. Gen.
Leslie R. Groves, formerly of Pasadena, Calif., and now living here, the war
department revealed today.
For the past three years, Groves has
held the title of commanding officer of the "Manhattan
engineer district," the name given the project to help keep it secret.
The first knowledge that American
physicists had begun to corral atomic energy—possibly the greatest
scientific discovery of all time—came to light in the spring of 1940. They
extracted a minute quantity of a. substance which they called U-235—a close relative
of uranium. It was hailed then' . as a powerful potential weapon, for war and
equally useful in peacetime. Scientists at that time concluded: One pound of
U-235 would contain as much energy as 15,000 tons of TNT, or 300 carloads of 50
tons each. If this one pound of 6-235
exploded within l/10,000ths of a second, as does TNT, the pressure produced
would be of 100,000,000 atmospheres. This would be about
1,000,000 times the pressure produced by TNT or
nitroglycerine, they estimated then.
inBig secret Plant
RICHLAND, Wash., Aug. 6 (AP)
Materials for the new atomic bomb
are being assembled in a huge super-secret government plant
near here, where workers who never knew what they were making
produced the compound by operating complicated dials from behind thick
concrete safety walls.
Some of the details of the secret
project were revealed for the first time today after ' President
Truman announced the first bomb was dropped on the Japs.
Not until the official
announcement, the government said, did any of the 17,000 workers have any idea
of the nature of the startling new product.
The manufacturing area, a 400,000-acre,
guarded section 30 miles from here, is sub-divided into smaller
areas, each covering miles of ground.
Enormous Buildings
One of the main areas contains three
enormous structures where the material is produced. The
second contains three huge chemical plants where the material is
purified and concentrated. The third contains raw materials.
One of the most difficult
problems, officials said, was designing manufacturing processes which would
permit the fantastically powerful explosive to be made safely.
Plants were designed so that all the complicated
operations were performed by remote control behind heavy concrete walls.
So complete were the safety precautions,
officials added, that they protected workers "against even the fear of
Construction of the plants was rushed
in greatest secrecy by thousands of workmen recruited from many states. At one
time, during construction, 45,000 persons were employed.
The project is located in central Washington state, between the Cascade mountains and the Columbia
river. Although residents of this little sagebrush-surrounded hamlet knew the 'secret project was something highly important, they. were as much surprised as the rest of the world when President Truman announced they had been producing atomic bomb materials.
Made InThree States
The atomic bomb disclosed by President
Truman today was developed at factories in Tennessee, Washington state and New
Mexico. Mr. Truman in his announcement said
that from 65,000 to125,000 workers were employed on the project at Oak Ridge near Knoxville, Tenn., at –Richland near Pasco, Wash., and at an unnamed installation 'near Santa Fe, N. M.
He said the work was so secret that
most of the employees did not know the character of it.
Secretary of War Henry L. Stimson
today revealed a-partial, list of industrial concerns which
contributed "so signally" to the success of the atomic bomb. The Du Pont
De Nemours Co. designed and constructed- the big Hanford. installations in Washington state and operates
them, he said.
A special subsidiary of the M, W.
Kellogg Co. of New York designed one of the plants at Clinton,
Tenn., which was constructed by the J. A. Jones Co. and is operated
by the Union Carbide and
Carbon Co. Other commercial firms
listed were the Stone & Webster Engineering corporation, Allis-Chalmers,
Chrysler, General Electric and Westinghouse
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