Troops Landing inTokyo Area Will Be First In
Allied Fleets Will Enter Salami Bay on Tuesday
Manila, AUG. 2 1 (AP)—Allied occupation troops will begin
airborne landings in Japan Sunday and two allied fleets will move into Tokyo area waters with landings
scheduled for next. Tuesday,\ joint communique of the Japanese imperial
headquarters and the imperial government
announced today.
General MacArthur's headquarters
continued silent ss to occupation plans. Exact units and landing plans for
ground forces will not be announced u n t i l after the occupation. It w:is
known, however, that every branch of the American armed services would be
Virtually All of the hundreds of transport
"planes thruout the Pacific will be used to transport the first landing
troops and MacArthur and many of his key staff personnel to Japan. They will ho
covered by every type of aircraft, possibly including the Giant B-29s
Withdraw Jap TroopsThe communique broadcast by.Dome! news agency appealed to the Japanese people to "remain calm and continue their business as usual." It specified an area from which imperial troops will be withdrawn immediately "to avoid any strife arising from his landing."
Troops Continue to Battle
Along a
300-Mile Burma Front
London, Aug. 21. (AP) Japanese
troops continued to fight all along the 300-mile Burma front today an Admiral
Lord Louis Mountbatten waited a reply to his radio men redirecting the Japanese
Southeast Asia commander to send surrender envoys to Rangoon by Thursday.
Southeast Asia, directed his broadcast order yesterday to Field Marshal count
Juichi Terauchi, commander of the Japanese southern army, and advised him that
Japanese : envoys should be
empowered to arrange for complete land, sea and air surrender in the theater.
The order, broadcast by the new
Pelhi radio, was in accordance with the surrender procedure outlined in Manila
.yesterday by General MacArthur, who said "responsibility for that portion
of the Southwest Pacific, area which lies south of the Philippines will be
assumed by British and Australian commanders."
Mountbatten's order did not specifically
define Terauchi's command area, but presumably it includes Burma, Indo-China,
Singnpore, Thailand and the Malay states.
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