Targets in City Destroyed
By Terrific Explosion
Five major industrial targets
were wiped out in the city of six and nine-tenths square miles.
"Additional damage was shown
outside ,the completely demolished area," said a communique based on
reconnaissance photographs made over the city of 343,000 on the morning of the day 'the bomb was dropped by a Superfort
which felt the concussion of t h e parachute-dropped weapon while 10 miles
to ComeThe men who participated could give no estimate of the damage other than that it "must have been extensive. “But they did relate that the lone bomb struck squarely in the center of the industrial-military city of 343,000 on southern Honshu in the Japanese mainland Aug. 6 (Pacific time* with-a flash and concussion that brought an exclamation of "My God!" from a battle-hardened Superfortress crew 10 miles away.
For following- up on other enemy
targets,- there are more B-29s ready to carry more of the' same awesome bombs. This was
announced here by General Carl S. Spaatz, commander of the U.S. Army Strategic
Chief Executive Back in Washington
After Big Three Conference
By Associated
WASH!NGTON, Aug. 7.—President
Truman returned to the White House Tuesday night from the Big Three con erence
at Potsdam. His special train reached' here at 10:50 p. m: Eastern War Time. A cabinet meeting was called for Friday. He will be back at his White House desk Wednesday.
The President plans to delay any
news conferences until he has made a radio address to the nation on the
agreements reached in 'Germany with British and Russian
The Chief Executive brought back
agreements signed . with Britain and Russia intended to keep the peace of
Europe and to complete plans with the British for the knock-out assault .upon Japan.
A .key to the British-American
strategy is the successful use-of the new atomic bomb, first announced to the
world Monday by Mr. Truman.
Jap Cabinet
Called IntoSession
By Associated Press
SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 7.The Japanese cabinet was reported assembled m special session Tuesday, presumably to discuss the drastic turn of events prompted by the loosing of an atomic bomb on the homeland.
As enemy broadcasts warned the people to brace for renewed attacks by the superbombs,
N.B.C. in New York picked up a N.B.C. broadcast quoting the Tokyo radio as saying the cabinet had been called together.
B.B.C. said the wording of the broadcast
implied that Premier Suzuki had summoned his advisers
to discuss the atomic bomb raid which ripped the big military base of Hiroshima
Throughout the day the Japanese had
broadcast repeated accounts of the new bomb, carefully refraining from"
using the word "atomic" or admitting the breadth of destruction, but
it a "diabolic weapon."
"Since it is presumed that
the enemy .planes will continue to use this new bomb," the Osaka radio
said in a domestic broadcast, "the authorities will' point
out measures to cope with it immediately."
Peace Weapon
By Associated Press
LONDON, Aug. 7.—The revolutionary atomic bomb might become the peace-enforcing weapon of the United Nations through a special air police force equipped with the secret, terrible missile
by the United States and Britain, some diplomats suggested Tuesday.
They also speculated that the bombs would 'raise' the 'question of putting all military-important scientific inventions under control of the United -Nations security council when the new world organization is born.
One prime. question was whether
the secret of the atomic bomb would be—or 'should be— shared with other Allied
nations, and whether -Russia already had
been informed of the secret,
in PeaceThere was general agreement that the weapon could become the "big stick" of peace and security, provided it did not fall into the wrong hands,, and that it change radically the modern
concepts of security and strategy.
Vatican Paper
DisapprovesAtomic Bomb
By Associated Press
VATICAN CITY, Aug. 7— The Vatican
City newspaper Qsservatore Romano today
published brief news reports of President Truman's announcement of the atomic
bomb and in an. Editorial said, "This incredible destructive instrument remains a temptation for
The editorial, appended to the news
stories, said the great Italian inventor and artist Leonardo Da Vinci destroyed
his plans for a submarine because he feared that man would apply it to the
ruin of civilization, adding,'
"mankind did not think as did Leonardo."
The official Vatican press office
allowed itself to be quoted as saying: "The use of
atomic bombs in Japan has created ., an unfavorable impression on the
Vatican." Other Vatican authorities declined
to comment.
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