Gives NipsFull Orders
Ships Told to Stay
at Present Location;
Subs to Surface
MANILA, Thursday, Aug.---23. (UP) General Douglas MacArthur
announced early today that the surrender of Japan will be signed aboard the
battleship Missouri in Tokyo bay on August 31, MacArthur announced the detailed
plans for the occupation of Japan, following in general the outline already
broadcast by Radio Tokyo.
He revealed that all Japanese shipping
had been ordered to remain at its present location in preparation for surrender
to the Allies. Japanese submarines were ordered to remain surfaced and
fly a black flag, -
GroundedThe first American occupation troops will be flown into the Atsugi airdrome in the western outskirts of Tokyo on Sunday, August 26. On Tuesday naval and marine forces will land in the vicinity of the Yokosaka naval base.
Jap set
Atomic Raid Casualties at 500,000
SAX FRANCISCO, Aug. 22. (UP.)— Japanese
broadcasts today said atomic
bomb raids on the cities of Hiroshima and Nagaski had cost nearly
half a million "casualites and sufferers" from leveled buildings within
a radius up to 10 miles.
Radio Tokyo, in broadcasts
recorded by United Press, said effects of the bomb were "monstrous,"
The second atomic bomb dropped August
9 on Nagasaki took a toll of "more than 10,000 persons killed, more than
20,000 wounded and more than 90,000 rendered homeless in the city," Tokyo
Die Daily"Furthermore many persons are dying daily from burns sustained during the course of the raids," a Tokyo propaganda broadcast said.
More than 60,000 were killed in
Hiroshima August 6, Tokyo said, and "the number of dead are mounting as
many of those who received burns cannot survive their wounds because of the
effects the atomic bomb produce on the human body.
After EffectsEven those who. received minor burns," one broadcast asserted, "looked quite healthy at first, only to weaken after a few days for some unknown reason and frequently die. "Since the explosion of the atomic bomb affected an area 30 kilometers in diameter and practically all houses in this area were either blown up, knocked down or reduced by fire, it is difficult to count all the dead bodies, many of which burned under collapsed "buildings.
One hundred thousand were wounded
and .200,000; "rendered homeless" at Hiroshima, where the world's
first atomic bomb dropped in a parachute cradle to explode .a terrific
whirlpool of energy whose immediate effects were felt for
10 minutes.
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