The Charleston Gazette
Charleston, West Virginia, Saturday Morning, July 18, 1942.
Reds Surge Back Over Don River
In Counter-Attack at Voronezh;
New U. S. Tanks Repel Egypt Foe
Battles Raging
In Wheatlands
Berlin Communique Claims
Storming and Capture
Of Voroshilovgrad,
Coal Capital
River Areas Piled
With German Dead
Soviet Armies at Rostov,
Are Asserted in Peril
Of Encirclement
MOSCOW, Russia, Saturday,
July 18. — (AP) — Russian troops
counterattacking south of Voronezh
were reported today to
have hurled the Germans back
across the Don river, but the
Nazis still were making progress
toward Stalingrad at the southern
end of the long Don front
where the invaders were using
1,000,000 men.
A savage stab into the German
salient which had crossed to the east
bank of the Don to menace Voronezh
city several miles beyond "annihilated
the 222nd Nazi regiment,"
an announcement said.
The Russians then crossed the
river and fierce fighting now is taking
place on the western bank,
frontline dispatches reported in the
most heartening news heard here in
Gen, Lees' Halt
Rommel Thrust
With Turret-Mounted Gun
Of 75 Millimeters, It
Is Declared Better
Than 'Gen. Grant'
Enemy Vainly Assaults
7-Mile Rwveisat Ridge
Axis Infantry Beaten Off
In Fierce Engagement,
By George
Egypt, July 17.—(INS)—With
new American-made Gen. Lee
tanks leading the way, British
imperial forces have won the
first phase of a monster tank
battle on the central sector of
the desert front south of El
After 36 hours of furious fighting
without pause in the biggest tank
engagement since the British withdrawal
from Libya, Nazi Field Marshal
Rommel's Axis columns broke
off the action and fled to the west.
Many German tanks were left
wrecked and smoking on the battlefield.
5th Aleutian
Isle Attacked,
Navy Reveals
Umnak Island Fort Struck
In Dutch Harbor Raid,
As Well as A tin,
Kiska, Agattu
15 Japanese Warships
Destroyed, Damaged
Heavy Price Paid by Foe
For Tiny Footholds
In Pacific
Washington, July 17. — (AP)
Japanese forces have set up
temporary living facilities on
three undefended Islands at the
tip of the Aleutian chain, the
navy reported today, but since
early this month have failed to
enlarge their holding and have
been subjected to Intermittent
heavy attacks by American airmen.
The installations are on Attu, Kiska
and Agattu. On Kiska, where
20 tents and other structures were
observed by aerial reconnaissance
June 12, army aircraft recently
dropped 56 bombs in one of a series
of attacks by U. S .planes and
submarines, which to date have
cost the Japs five ships sunk, one
believed sunk, and nine damaged
The latest of these attacks was
made July 11 when a cruiser was
bombed at Kiska with undetermined
results. Since that time, the navy
said, there has been no material
change in the situation in the fog
shrouded islands although opera
tions against the enemy are contin-
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