Allied Bombers Appear to Have
Thrown the Japs Off Schedule
(by the Associated Press)
Japan's big new drive in the Solomon Islands appeared to have been
thrown off schedule as the invaders still withheld their main forces and
allied bombers continued to keep them off balance with heavy new blows.
Gen. Douglas MacArthiur's head-
quarters reported that United Nations
airmen dumped 10 tons of
bombs on Japanese ships at Buin,
in the northern Solomons, where
the enemy has been massing for an
all-out assault on the prize American-
held Guadalcanal air base in
the lower Solomons.
A communique said all the planes
found their' targets, weathered a
storm of anti-aircraft fire, and returned
to their bases safely.
So far, the navy declared, U. S.
planes and warships have sunk or
damaged four Japanese cruisers,
nine destroyers and six transports
since October 13.
In ground fighting, the navy reported
that American troops beat
off a "feeler" thrust by Japanese
forces in the heavy jungle on northern
Guadalcanal, October 20, and
said there was no material change
in the military situation.
On the New Guinea front, allied
troops driving thru heavy tropical
rains and over slippery mountain
trails were reported to have advanced
within nine" miles of the
Japanese base at Kokoda, at the
foot of the Owen Stanley range.
Offensive Taken
By Red Soldiers
Russians Announce They
Have Broken Up a Nazi
Tank Assault
Food and Munitions Reach
Soviet Men Under At-
tack of Planes
(By the 'Associated Press)
On the Soviet front, Adolf
Hitler's armies suffered jarring
new setbacks in the 60-
day-old siege of Stalingrad as
the Russians announced they
had broken up a tank-led Nazi
assault in the northwest factory
district, captured a ma-
Jor position in the Don-Volga
corridor, and seized the ini-
tiatlve inside the city.
It was the fourth straight day
since the last Soviet retreat.
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