The Brownsville Herald
Egypt, Russian
Fronts See Ally
Arms Victorious
Outcome In Pacific Is
Still In Doubt;
Tokyo Extravagant
In Claims
Navy reported today that troops
on Guadalcanal Island in the
Solomons have been inflicting
"very heavy" losses on the Japanese
in comparison with what
a naval spokesman said were
comparatively light casualties
among American forces.
Besides the enemy casualties,
the Navy reported that U. S.
soldiers and Marines have caused
heavy damage to Japanese equipment
in land fighting which has
been under way for a, week, with
the Japanese endeavoring to gain
control cf Henderson airfield
The Navy said that reports
from the Solomons have not told.
of any additional action in the
sea battle which has been under
way off the islands.
Associated Press War Editor
Britain's desert armies
were reported to have
knifed through 'Axis for-"
ward defenses in the battle
of Egypt today, while tie
Russians turned the tables
on German forces in. the,
western Ca u c a s u s and"
American troops held firmly]
in the Solomon Islands.
Latest reports' from the South
Seas battle zone said the conflict
was developing at a furious pace,
with the results not yet clear.
In Washington, the Navy announced
a score sheet of 70 Japanese
warships and transports sunk:
or damaged in the Solomons campaign
against approximately 20
American ships lost or hit.
These included 12 Japanese vessels
definitely sunk, three probably
sunk and 55 damaged: compared
with 14 U. S. ships sunk, three
warships and "several other" unidentified
types damaged..
Coffee Hoarders Warned
Ground Coffee Won't Keep
Old Style Home Grinder Would Solve Problem
But Green Berries Won't Be Sold
DALLAS, Tex.—(XP)—Hoarders who already are rushing, the grocers'
coffee shelves to .stock up before rationing begins at midnight Nov.
28 will be: sorry.
Grocers Association. Issued'- today.
Ground coffee, he explained, doesn't keep well and the home coffee
grinder practically has 'disappeared.
from the market.
''When our sires went to market,
sometimes twice a year, they,
bought . their coffee in the green
berry," Clark said, "It .was -roasted
in small quantities in the kitchen
oven, then ground as needed. But
we no longer stock' the green
berry. Our customers have been
educated to buy their. coffee, ground.
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