German troops were reported today to be abandoning Sicily in a full-fledged evacuation under a tremendous anti-aircraft barrage over t h e Messina strait, a n d U. S . troops in another sea lane vault behind nazi lines have landed east of Cape Orlando, forcing the enemy back along the n o r t h coast.
Military staffs of t h e United States, Great B r i t a i n a n d C a n a d a prepared the groundwork today for the s i x th meeting of President Roosevelt and Prime Minister Churchill which will be held in Quebec's ancient and historic citadel at an undisclosed
time in the immediate future.
Military staffs of t h e United States, Great B r i t a i n a n d C a n a d a prepared the groundwork today for the s i x th meeting of President Roosevelt and Prime Minister Churchill which will be held in Quebec's ancient and historic citadel at an undisclosed
time in the immediate future.
Germans Start Sicily Evacuation
Sea Guns Help
New Yank Stab
Behind Nazis
• By The Associated Press
German troops were reported today to be abandoning Sicily in a full-fledged evacuation under a tremendous anti-aircraft barrage over t h e Messina strait, a n d U. S . troops in another sealane vault behind nazi lines have landed east of Cape Orlando, forcing the enemy back along the n o r t h coast.
The Germans were waging a powerful defense across the base of the Messina triangle as their troops, w i t h d r ew in a flotilla of at least 80 boats crossing the strait night and day. Associated Press Correspondent Nolnod Norgaard reported.
Rear Guards Fight On.
Strong German rear guards, well entrenched^ with mortars, machine-guns and
a r t i l l e r y , and extensive road demolitions continued to make progress slow for
the Allied armies converging on Messina a n d t h e evacuation beaches while the bulk of the German troops were being withdrawn.
Determined to save all possible equipment, t h e G e r m a n command was reported to
h a v e decreed that " t h e passport to Italy is a gun," meaning that troops must bring
t h e i r weapons along if t h e y want places in t h e boats at Messina.
British forces advancing along t h e east coast encountered a s k e l e ton
enemy force in a s t r o n g line covering t h e o n ly avenues of approach with heavy mortar fire and a battery of possibly 16 88-millimeter guns.
The narrow, winding mountain roads the Germans were defending made it extremely difficult to dislodge them.
Nazis Admit New Move.
QUEBEC. Que —(UP)—
Military staffs of t h e United States, Great B r i t a i n a n d C a n a d a prepared the groundwork today for the s i x th meeting of President Roosevelt and Prime Minister Churchill which will be held in Quebec's ancient and historic citadel at an undisclosed
time in the immediate future. Churchill, accompanied by his daughter. Mary, left h e r e
l a t e y e s t e r d a y by special train. Rules of censorship prohibited publication
of his destination.
The official announcement issued yesterday afternoon that Mr. Roosevelt would come here, did not indica'ate when h e would arrive.
Meanwhile, preparations for the conference were reportable and they indicated the
m i l i t a ry nature of the subjects which will occupy t h e leaders of t h e t w o g r e a t English speaking nations.
Leaders Anonymous.
Forts Deliver
Heavy Blows
On 2 Fronts
LO.VDON —(U.P.)—
Military staffs of t h e United States, Great B r i t a i n a n d C a n a d a prepared the groundwork today for the s i x th meeting of President Roosevelt and Prime Minister Churchill which will be held in Quebec's ancient and historic citadel at an undisclosed
time in the immediate future.
(By The United Press)
As Allied bombers stepped up a new aerial offensive against Germany, America's Flying Fortresses delivered heavy blows on two fronts.
Fortresses struck at Germany in first time t h e four-engined American bombers had been over Germany since t h e a t t a ck on Kassel's aircraft industry on J u l y 30.
Supporting Sicilian operations. Flying Fortresses from Africa ranged 40 miles north of Rome yesterday and bombed t h e i m p o r t ant Terni railroad junction in central Italy.
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