Monday, August 29, 2011

Current Events August 29, 1943;

The RAF bomber' command reaching deep into Germany poured a colossal hail of blockbuster" bombs last night on Nuernberg, Nazi pageant city and manufacturing center, and overwhelmed German defenses with a shattering weight of exploding steel.

King , Christian XI of Denmark -was^ reported' today to have, threatened to abdicate if the Danish* government accepts a German ultimatum placing: the kingdom under full 'Nazi military control.

For the; second time Japanese -troops have quit fighting and. run away—this time from Bairoko harbor  on New Georgia island in the central Solomons.  But unlike, their sneak 'from Kiska through the cold :  fog of

the Aleutians, their second''evacuation cost them hundreds of soldiers.

                                    THE SUNDAY
       NEWS and                                   TRIBUNE

Nuernberg Bombed by
RAF in Greatest Raid;
Difficulty in Denmark

 Colossal Hail of Block-Busters
Loosed on German Pageant City
In One of Greatest Air Assaults
33 Bombers Lost in Attack; 

Enemy Airmen in
Fierce Resistance Are Overwhelmed; Assault
Tops 12 Hours of Constant raids on Nazis
LONDON, Aug. 28.—(AP)—

 The RAF bomber' command reaching deep into Germany poured a colossal hail of blockbuster" bombs last night on Nuernberg, Nazi pageant city and manufacturing center, and overwhelmed German defenses with a shattering weight of exploding steel.
The bomb tonnage in this second saturation blow of the week—following up the Monday night assault on Berlin was not disclosed but it was the greatest bomber fleet ever to (illegible)fly such close formation and so low. In total strength, however, indications were that it ranked under the heaviest armadas ever blasting at Germany.

Political Crises
Seen in 'Model

Report Prime
Minister's Gov't.
Has Resigned 

STOCKHOLM, Sunday, Aug.29.— (AP)—
King , Christian XI of Denmark -was^ reported' today to have, threatened to abdicate if the Danish* government accepts a German ultimatum placing: the kingdom under full 'Nazi military control.
Provisions of 'the ultimatum, brought hack from Berlin  by German Minister Werner Best, were said to have included proyisions for a state of siege, military tribunals empowered to inflict the death penalty on
saboteurs, a ban on ' strikes, a general curfew, complete Nazi control of the Danish press, and imposition of a heavy fine on the, city of Odense where the wave of rebellion originated

Japs Desert
Bairoko Harbor
In Solomons

Costs Enemy
Many Soldiers

Aug. 28—(AP)—
For the; second time Japanese -troops have quit fighting and. run away—this time from Bairoko harbor  on New Georgia island in the central Solomons.  But unlike, their sneak 'from Kiska through the cold :  fog of
the Aleutians, their second''evacuation cost them hundreds of soldiers. The liquidation of the:last enemy garrison on. New ; Georgia last Thursday >. was announced tersely-in today's communique from Gen. Douglas;  MacArthur.
.Details were supplied"by officers of the south' Pacific naval forces; American' troops., have been closing in on;, Bairoko'since they captured the - Munda airdrome, ten -miles to the. south, on Aug: 15. The only, resistance: at -the end came from  few; Japanese stragglers. The. others ..!had.: fled, or lost their lives in an attempt to reach Vila' on Kolombangafa 'island across the narrow Kula Gulf

                                                                 Hundreds, Killed

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