The British Eighth army of Gen. Sir Bernard L. Montgomery, the winner in the most decisive battle yet fought for Sicily, was smashing on at the environs of Catania today in a drive to strangle the resistance of the Axis defenders.
The imminent prospect of a clean-cut victory in Sicily has confirmed the
Allied formula for an amphibious assault on Western Europe and suggests
strongly in the view of some observers that the same pattern
will work against Adolf Hitler's Atlantic wall of Western France.
The German high command has thrown two
new divisions, one armored and one Infantry, against the Russian spearhead
now threatening Orel, front dispatches said today, but the Red
army was reported repulsing all Nazi thrusts and continuing to advance.
The Portsmouth Herald
British Eighth Army
Hammers at Catania
In Sicilian Advance
Allied Headquarters in North Africa July 17—(AP)—The British Eighth army of Gen. Sir Bernard L. Montgomery, the winner in the most decisive battle yet fought for Sicily, was smashing on at the environs of Catania today in a drive to strangle the resistance of the Axis defenders.
An Allied headquarters communique, announcing the capture of four more towns in a general advance all along the curving front, by Americans and Canadians as well as British, said the Montgomery men had captured both Lentini and Scordia, at the entrance to the Catania plain. Previous headquarters advices said German armored resistance was smashed at those points in hard fighting.
Sicily Success
Europe Assault'
London, July 17 (AP)—
The imminent prospect of a clean-cut victory in Sicily has confirmed the
Allied formula for an amphibious assault on Western Europe and suggests
strongly in the view of some observers that the same pattern
will work against Adolf Hitler's Atlantic wall of Western France.
There is no intention to imply, these sources pointed out, that the
Germans are relying on mere scarecrow from defenses. However, reports
the Mediterranean front of surprisingly low Allied casualties
and rapid progress throw a clearer light on, the Nazi theme of impregnability.
The ascendency of Allied air power leaves little doubt, it was said,
that the RAF and the Eighth U. S. Air Force will be able to lay down
the same ruinous preliminary bombshower and maintain the same efficient
umbrella over an Allied landing on the French coast as over
Italy's sorely-stubbed Sicilian toe.
Nazi's Battle
To Save Orel
Moscow, July 17 (AP)—The German high command has thrown two
new divisions, one armored and one Infantry, against the Russian spearhead
now threatening Orel, front dispatches said today, but the Red
army was reported repulsing all Nazi thrusts and continuing to advance.
One wing of the,. Red army's smashing counter attack was reported
to have rolled to within 25 miles of the heavily fortified Nazi
base as the Germans frantically rallied all available manpower and
equipment in. a desperate effort to stave off a major break-through.
The dispatches said the Russians were sending motorized infantry
with tanks and mobile cannon to comb the forest clearings for Nazi
Current Events July 18, 1943;
Oakland Tribune
7 Jap Ships, 49 Planes Bagged
Allies Near Victory At Catania •
200 U.S. Bombers Pounce on
Nip Fleet at Buin, Riddle
Enemy Fliers Defending it
City Afire as Fleet Blasts
Path for 8th Army; Yanks
Capture Agrigento, Key Base
Warship, Planes
Lambaste Kiska
Jap Aleutian Base
Attacked Four Times,
Says Communique
by JOHN M. Hightower
The North Pacific Command, increasing its pressure on Japan's
Kiska island outpost, threw heavy and medium bomber* as well a*
warships into the most recently reported onslaughts against the enemy
garrison there, the Navy disclosed today.
An American warship, probably a cruiser or destroyer started the
assault which could be in the nature of softening-tip operation for
a landing on Kiska. with an attack on Gertrude Cove, southwest of
Kiska Harbor.
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