Sunday, July 22, 2012

July 22, 1944;


LONDON, July 22—(Saturday)—(INS)—
A Germany cut off from normal contact with' the rest of the world was pictured
in Stockholm dispatches early today as torn by growing revolt; with hundreds of insurgent officers executed and. Thousands arrested, after the Nazis claimed, they had "frustrated" a high command coup to seize the Berlin government seat. 

—American forces have established good beachheads on Guam and .additional troops are landing against light initial Japanese resistance, Adm. Chester W. Nimitz announced tonight.

NEW YORK. July 21.—(UP)—
The Swiss newspaper Berner Tarwacht said today that "collaborator
Berger," announced by Berlin as having died as a result of the alleged attack on Adolf Hitler's life, was Hitler's double.

Charleston, West Virginia, Saturday Morning, July 22, 1944
Berlin Coup Fails,
Nation Sealed Off,
Mutinies Reported
Hitler's Headquarters
Said Under Siege "
By Blackshirts
LONDON, July 22—(Saturday)—(INS)—
A Germany cut off from normal contact with' the rest of the world was pictured
in Stockholm dispatches early today as torn by growing revolt; with hundreds of insurgent officers executed and. Thousands arrested, after the Nazis claimed, they had "frustrated" a high command coup to seize the Berlin government seat.
The whole Reich was declared in one Stockholm message to have been thrown into a "state of siege as street fighting was reported flurshing  in -several cities while a number of anti-Nazi German generals resisted' efforts to "purge" them in the wake of Thursday's assassination attempt against Adolf Hitler.

Guam Landing Meets
Light Jap Resistance
Foe Stiffens
As Americans
Thrust Inland
Firm Beachheads Seized,
Casualties Moderate,
Adm. Nimilz Reports
—American forces have established good beachheads on Guam and .additional troops are landing against light initial Japanese resistance, Adm. Chester W. Nimitz announced tonight.
Nimitz reported in a communique the progress of fighting begun yesterday
morning for the first reconquest of an American naval base lost 31 months and nine days ago.

Hitler's Double Said
Killed by Bomb Blast
NEW YORK. July 21.—(UP)—
The Swiss newspaper Berner Tarwacht said today that "collaborator
Berger," announced by Berlin as having died as a result of the alleged attack on Adolf Hitler's life, was Hitler's double.
"Berger confuslngly resembled the fuehrer in appearance," said
Ihe article, as reported to the OWI.  And was appointed as a
collaborator by the secret service.

Mud Hampers
British Drive
Toward Paris


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