Saturday, December 15, 2012

December 15, 1944; ENEMY LOSSES 8 TO 1 ON LEYTE:


Total Surrender
Sought of E. A.M.
Government Sources Demand Unconditional
Victory, Refuse Political Terms Suggested
by Rebels; "Island" of British Shelled

.ATHENS, Dec. 14. (U.P.)—
E. L. A. S. forces resumed shelling central Athens this afternoon, breaking a lull in which reports circulated that peace negotiations were about to end
the 11-day battle of Athens.
The new bombardment of the "island" of British and Greek government territory in the heart of Athens began at 3:35 p. m. E. L. A. S. sources reported earlier that the E. A. M. had decided to accept terms and evacuate Athens if the British would guarantee a general amnesty for the E. L. A. S. and inclusion of Leftists in a new national government. ,
Greek . government sources reported that they would insist on unconditional surrender, and could not accept such political terms as were reported to have been suggested by the E.; A. M

Charleston, West Virginia ' DECEMBER 15
Seventh Units.
Slash Across
Reich Border
Patch's Veterans
Threaten to Turn
Siegfried Barrier
**' PARIS (UP).—
Lt. Gen. Alexander M. Patch's seventh army slashed across the German border  from Alsace into the Rheine Palatinate west of  TvarlsVuhc today in the war's third, invasion of the Reich by United States forces. Patch's veterans of the drive
across France from the Mediter-
Rain of V-Bombs
For !he 30th night in a row. the Germans attacked southern England with V-bombs last night.
The air ministry's announcement’ today was confined to the routine "damage and casualities have been reported. But London newspapers played up scenes of recent devastation to pictures of  labor corps—British  and American – already the preliminary job of patching up the battered capital to relieve  a serious housing shortage.
Meanwhile, the German radio defended use of the flying bomb a "strictly military weapon.

ranian plunged their first spearhead into Germany and drew up to the boarder region on a 19-mile front in a push that threatened to turn the Siegfried line at it’s Karlsruhe elbow.'

Red Demand for Slice
Of East Poland Backed


7th Dashes
To Border
of Germany
By Associated Press
PARIS, Dec. 14.—
The U.S. 7th Army, rolling seven miles along the Rhine plain in eastern France past river barriers .and. flimsy resistance, drove almost to the German border Thursday and turned its big guns on. the Siegfried Line and the large enemy
city of .Karlsruhe. , '
Being down on the Reich " all along its 35-mile front, the .7th  Army set a fast pace in a day that "saw.-the "U.-.-S.. 1st and 9th Armies drive' to the Roer River
along a solid 15-mile front on the edge of the Cologne plain. The 3rd Army meanwhile forced a new crossing into the Saar basin.
A front dispatch said Lt.Gen. Alexander Patch's fifth Army made its lightning. advance to the Palatinate border in the areas of Scheibenhard and Lauterbourg,
north of Seltz, which fell Tuesday.
Karlsruhe Shelled'
The German radio said shells . "were falling, in Karlsruh'ei –capital of ; Baden province, across the Rhine 10 miles" northeast of  Latuerbcurg, as Patch's, eight and ten-inch, guns dueled -with enemy artillery apparently emplaced in the Siegfied line.

Yanks Take
Major Enemy
Supply Dumps
By Associated Press
GEN. MAC A R T H U R'S HDQRS, Philippines . Dec. 15:-
Gen, Douglas MacArthur reported today Japanese causalities of 82,544 men and American losses totaling 10.409  men thus far in the Leyte and Samar campaigns in the liberation of the Philippines.

Burma and Thailand Hit
In Superfort Raids
By Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Dec. 14.--Superfortresses from India
smashed tbday'at Japanese outposts of -conquest in, Thailand
and Burma in a follow-up of yesterday's major, strike
from Saipan against airplane production in the Japanese homeland.

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