Thursday, October 3, 2013



Foreign Minister Ciano to Be Sounded On
Military Alliance As Reich Makes
Final Bid to End Conflict

BERLIN—Adolf Hitler apparently ready to make a strong bid for peace on his own terms, and, if it is rejected, to undertake major submarine and air offensive against Allies.

LONDONBritain unofficially rejects Soviet-German peace as Turkish military mission starts for London to buy arms; Turkish-British mutual assistance pact
ready for signing; "some casualties" reported among British planes over Germany.

PA RIS—Early fall of Saarbruecken predicted; French press forecasts Nazi offensive, probably through Netherlands or Belgium, as a result of Allied rejectio of Peace bid.

MOSCOWRussia indicates willingness to have neutral nations join Nazi-Communist peace offensive but appears not to have tied Turkey to "peace" bloc.

ROMEForeign Minister Galeazzo Ciano leaves on "peace mission" to Berlin. Italy orders new taxes to meet military expenses.

BUCHAREST President Ignacy Moscicki of Poland resigns in favor of Wladyslaw Raczkiewicz who forms new government in France.

CASTEL GANDOLFO—Pope Pius XII tells weeping foes he hopes conquerors of Poland  will not destroy religion.


"Berlin,...Sept: 20 (UP).—Adolf Hitler appeared (ready, tonight) to make a-major bid for-peace on his own" terms, with the alternative to be war against the Allies with every resource at his command. In a series of swift moves following up the new Nazi-Soviet demand for peace backed by a hint of united military action, the Nazi Fuehrer:

1. Presided over a war council of high ranking generals, admirals and governmental officials who would be key figures in any Nazi offensive against the Allied powers.

2. Invited Fascist Foreign Minister Count Galeazzo Ciano to Berlin, where upon his arrival Sunday afternoon, questions of peace efforts by Italy, the military alliance between Italy and Germany and the Italian interests in the Balkans are expected to be discussed.

3. Summoned the Reichstag for a meeting next week to hear an important government declaration expected to disclose whether the Nazi-Soviet peace offensive is a failure, as already indicated in London and Paris.

Nazi officials, who said it was to be assumed that Hitler would address the Reichstag, indicated belief that the Fuehrer would restate his desire for peace and blame France and Great Britain for continuation of the war. It was hinted that Hitler might emphasize the efforts for peace made by Pope Pius, as well as by Italian Premier Benito Mussolini, seeking to put the responsibility for failure these efforts on the Allies.


Fight Over Neutrality
To Explode Tomorrow
On Floor of Senate
Byrnes Claims 65 Votes,
Sufficient to Kill
Arms Ban
Foes Also Confident
Provision Assailed by
Johnson; Taft Critical
on Measure

Washington, Sept, 30 (U.P.).—Administration leaders tonight claimed new support for title and carry "legislation-to replace the mandatory arms embargo on the eve of opening , of the historic Senate debate over neutrality law revision. Senator James F. Byrnes, Democrat, South Carolina, and the administration'

plans -were- complete. He predicted the special session would last no longer than three weeks and said that as of tonight he had 57 votes pledged to the administration bill. Before the vote, he said, he would have 65 votes with . the opposition having, no more than 31. Some Republicans in his "camp gave the isolationists 33 to' 35' votes.

 British Expect
U-Boat War
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ w
Armed Ships Warned of
Policy to Sink Without
Reich Retaliation
Placing of Guns on English
Vessels Causes
German Change

London, Sept. 30 (UP).—The Admiralty tonight warned all British merchant ships that Germany was threatening U-boat attacks, without 'warning on all Allied vessels.

"The threat which, the Admiralty said, may indicate '"an Immediate change" in German submarine warfare, was broadcast from Berlin, the announcement said. The Germans argued. that Britain was arming merchant ships and therefore they would retaliate by "regarding every vessel .of the British merchant navy as warships."

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