Friday, October 4, 2013

October 4, 1939; WAR TO THE FINNISH:


B r i t a i n
"Will War
To Finish'
Nazi 'Duplicity'
Is Denounced
By Premier
LONDON, Oct. 3— (UP)—
Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain today offered to "examine and test" any Nazi peace proposals but warned, in effect, that Great Britain and France will refuse to negotiate with a German government headed by Chancellor Adolf Hitler.

Speaking before a cheering house of commons with a vigor in contrast to his usual monotone, the 70-year-old prime minister said the allies will fight on to a finish even if Soviet Russia should throw her enormous war machine into the struggle on Germany's side.
Allies To "Crush Hitlerism"
The "scarcely veiled threat" of Russian intervention cannot swerve Britain and France from their determination to crush Hitlerism and "make certain that the rule of violence shall cease and that the words of governments, once pledged. must henceforth be kept," he said.

Although he offered to examine the peace formula which Hitler is expected to outline before the German Reichstag later this week— perhaps in the form of an ultimatum—Chamberlain held out little hope that the fuehrer would provide a means of ending the month-old war.

In Baltic
Soviet Pressure
May Bear On

MOSCOW, Oct. 3—(AP)—
Soviet Russia rapidly pushed negotiations today with her small Baltic neighbors in order to strengthen her trade and military position here.

Meanwhile, the Turkish delegation, which arrived eight days ago expecting to remain but three days, was still here, and spent the day seeing the sights of Moscow—outside the Kremlin.

Lithuania Joins Parade Lithuania's foreign minister, Jouzas Urbsys, was the latest in the growing list of diplomats summoned to the Kremlin's now-famous
night conferences with Joseph Stalin and Vyacheslaff Molotoff, premier and commissar for foreign affairs. He arrived by airplane.

He was expected to go to the Cremlin tonight, following Latvia's foreign minister, William Munters, who went there at 6 p. m. 'for a conference possibly to conclude a nonaggression" pact similar to that signed last week by Estonia, granting Soviet sea and military bases in its possession.

A strong hint that Russia might turn to Finland after having concluded her negotiations with' the Baltic states was given in an article in the
government's newspaper, Izvestia, which in effect accused Britain of trying to use Finland and the Baltic states as a springboard for an attack on
the U. S. S. R.

Interpreting The War News-
Groundwork Is Laid
For 'Complete War
(Associated Press Staff Writer)
PRIME MINISTER CHAMBERLAIN'S cutting rebuff to the German peace bid shifted world attention to the rejoinder which Adolf Hitler is to make soon in an address to the Reichstag.

There seemed nothing in Chamberlain's speech to parliament to indicate that the British and the Nazis can find a common basis for negotiation. Hitler has been told bluntly that discussions with Nazi Germany are out of the question if Hitler offers "mere assurances" as the only security for peace.

While any peace proposal would be examined by the Allies, Chamberlain said, it would be tested in the light of the fact that the Nazi government

"too often in the past have proved that their undertakings are worthless when it suits them that they should be broken."

Bitter memories of the destruction of Czecho-SIovakia after the Munich words, conference lurk in those words.


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