Friday, December 13, 2013



Proposal Must Yet Go Before Assembly, Final 'Action
May Come Tonight; "All Possible" Aid for
Finland Is Contemplated by League Nations 'After
Soviets Refuse to Discuss Situation in Finland

Geneva, Dec. 13—(AP)—A J3-nation committee of the League of Nations today adopted a resolution condemning Russia as an aggressor and containing an implied demand that Russia be ousted from the League of Nations for invading Finland.

The resolution, which was then submitted to the League assembly, which may act on it tonight, incorporated a report,drawn up by a sub-committee "inviting" League members to give Finland all possible aid.
In addition it suggested that non-member nations such as the United States might be asked to join in helping Finland' if the League of Nations council desires.

The sub-committee also condemned Russia as a violation the League covenant and recommended putting the entire ",technical staff of the League—Its economic, health and financial experts— at Finland's disposal. Argentina led the way to a showdown on the expulsion , with the threat she would resign. If the Soviet Union remained a member. To become effective, the ouster proposal must have the unanimous support of the League council, meeting tonight or tomorrow.


Ambassador Corelchin Quits Rome Without Presenting Credentials.

Rome, Dec. 13—(/P)—Diplomatic circles said tonight they had learned that the new Russian ambassador to Italy, Nlcolal Gorelchln, left Rome suddenly yesterday for Moscow; without presenting his credentials. The Russian ambassador had been in Rome only 15 days. Soviet embassy attaches disclaimed all knowledge of a reason for the sudden recall or when ho might return.

Since the start of the Russian-Finnish war there have been a series of demonstrations by Fascists, mainly students, against Russia and in favor of Finland.
Dec. 2, less than a week after Gorelchln arrived, 3,000 uniformed Fascists stood outside the Russian embassy and jeered.
Despite the demonstrations there have been no official Indication that relations had been snubbed or that Italy was directly aiding the Finns.


Buenos Aires, Dec. 13—(AP—British authorities said after an exhaustive investigation today a report the British cruiser , Achilles had; Been ,'sunk by. the German pocket battleship' Admiral,. Scheer was ,"just another rumor as far as we are able to learn."
Beunos Aires, Dec. 13—(AP)—British naval officials said today that they were investigating reports that the 7,030-ton British cruiser Achilles had been sunk in a battle with Germany's 10,000-ton pocket battleship Admiral Scheer but had been unable to obtain any direct information.
The reports, which circulated here without confirmation said the battle occurred off Punta del Este on Uruguay's east coast. The Achilles sailed from Montevideo, Dec. 9, after refuelling. She had recently come to the Atlantic coast from a patrol assignment In the Pacific.
The 10,000-ton Admiral Scheer began raiding operations in the South Atlantic-as early as September and the sinkings or disappearances of several British vessels have been ascribed to her.

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