Friday, December 6, 2013



Finnish Plane
Shot Down in
Leningrad Raid

"Audacious" Fliers Try to Penetrate Defenses to Bomb City

BERLIN. Dec. 6—(INS)—.Two Finnish planes today attempted to bomb Leningrad, but one was shot down and the other fled, according to a Moscow official broadcast picked up in Berlin.

A broadcast from the front lines by Soviet special reporters in the Leningrad military district said: "Two audacious Finnish fliers tried to approach Leningrad, but their hope of reaching the city-was nipped in the bud.
. "One plane was brought down. The other fled.
"In order to protect Leningrad against attacks by the enemy air force, chains of the  most modern patrol and fighter machines are continually in the air. "It is not only the pilots of the fighter and -patrol machines who excel—the pilots of bombing planes also perform excellent feats.

Italy Sends
50 Airplanes
to Finland

LONDON, Dec. 6—(AP)-Reuters News Agency reported from Stockholm today that 50 Italian airplanes had been delivered to Finland by air.

.. HELS1NKIFORS, Dec. 6 —(INS)—Battling fiercely to stem the invading Russian tide, Finland's fighting men claimed new triumphs today, including destruction or capture of 150.' Soviet tanks and .the killing of 2000-Red army troops—in a single engagement on the Carelian front.
"Liberty Day"
While the embattled nation observed "Liberty Day,"' the 22nd anniversary of Finnish independence, army leaders joyfully hailed arrival of 50 Italian warplanes, along with Italian------



All Members Except Two Communists
Leave Lower Chamber When One of Latter
Party Arises to Address Members

COPENHAGEN, Dec. 6 (AP| — Members of the Danish parliament walked out of the lower chamber in an anti-Communist demonstration today and a Nazi member suggested that Denmark break off diplomatic relations with Russia.

When the Communist leader, Axel Arsen, rose to speak, all parties from Conservatives on the right to the Social Democrats on the left, departed, leaving only two Communist members lo listen to their leader.

When normal deliberations were resumed, a Nazi member asked Prime Minister Thovald Stauning if he did not think it was high time to sever diplomatic relations with Russia.

This was taken to mean that not all Nazis approve of Germany's present relationship with Moscow. Stauning, however, answered in the negative



The Lowell Sun Wednesday December 6 '1939,                             6

Nazis Set for,
Smashing Blow
at England

Claim Blockade Is
Inhuman—To Move
on Similar Basis

BERLIN. Dec. 6 (INS)—The German government moved forward today with its carefully laid plan for a mighty military and economic blow against England designed lo break the British blockade of Germany.
To Use Similar Weapons
The Reich is determined to compel the British to abandon their '-unrestricted blockade" and put an end to the seizure of German exports, which this country brands as n violation of the international code governing humanitarian warfare.
Its direct objective, Germany declares, is the "Starvation of women and children," and as a result, the Reich will, be justified in using similar methods of warfare.
Germany's reprisals will take place in both the military and economic fields, the-upshot being that neutral nations of Europe will be caught in the relentless pincer of a combined Anglo-German grip.
Hopes placed in Mines
The first stage of German retaliation is expected in the military field. By use of mines and intensified submarine activity, the Germans are hopeful of throttling British trade and creating a situation wherein no ship of any nationality will dare enter or leave British ports.

At some later date, Germany will attempt to launch a "moral blockade" against England throughout the continent of Europe. This campaign will be designed lo force neutral nations to "lose their appetite" for trade and commerce with England or risk the dangers inherent in being classified by Germany as "belonging to the enemy camp."
To Penalize Neutrals
In addition, the lime may come when the Reich will decline to allow neutral nations to carry German exports, according to competent quarters.

Attempt to
Cut Finland
in Halves

K1RKENES, Norway (at the Finnish frontier), Dec. 6 (AP)—On this 22nd anniversary of Finnish Independence, a Soviet Russian army was reported to have driven almost a fifth of the way across northern Finland—apparently under orders to cut the country in two.

This army was said to have penetrated 35 miles into Finland, reaching Kuolnjarvi, on the seventh day of the war, and leaving only 150 miles to be traversed before Finland would be bisected.
Menace 'to Sweden
Completion of the drive would put. Red forces on the Swedish border. Just beyond the border lie Sweden's rich iron mines. Observers saw in the relentlessly developing Russian strategy a great menace to Sweden—apart from the disaster it might mean for Finnish troops in the far north. -

Finnish sources contended the Russian advance was discounted in advance because the region already penetrated is practically uninhabited.

The Finns declared the invaders would encounter "unbreakable" resistance when they reached Finnish defense positions west of Kuolajnrvi.
Take Good Highway

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