The Stars and Stripes
Daily Newspaper of U.S. Armed Forces in the European Theater of Operations
London, England Wednesday, Jan. 13, 1943
Cossack Cavalrymen
Lead Russian Drive
Into Their Homeland
MOSCOW, Jan. 12 (AP)—The Red Army poured into the Kuban
region between the Northern Caucasus and the Don today, led by
Cossacks riding triumphantly back into their homeland.
Red Star reported the entry into the Kuban after the Caucasian provinces
of North Osetia and Kabardino Bakaria had been freed from the
Germans. The communique reported that a 124-mile advance had been made by the
Red Army's cavalry after the capture of six cities. The Fourth Soviet Guards Corps—
Kuban fighting men who fell back from their towns and villages last summer
before the weight of the Nazi offensive—were thus riding in the vanguard of the
Russian forces sweeping back across the Steppes.
For the black-caned horsemen of the Steppes, with their distinctive hats, and
for their town people, it was one of the most dramatic homecomings of the war.
Rostov Ring Tightens
Navy identifies 11 Ships Sunk Near Solomons
Aircraft-Carrier Hornet,
Three Cruisers, Nine
Destroyers Lost
WASHINGTON, Jan. 12 (AP>-The
Navy Department yesterday released the names of 11 ships sunk in the Solomons,
including the aircraft carrier Hornet. The Hornet was sunk by a U.S. ship
after having been damaged beyond salvage in the Battle of Santa Cruz
Island on Oct. 26. a communique said.
One other U.S. vessel, the destroyer Porter, was lost in the battle, which was
a costly one for the Japanese. Two enemy aircraft carriers, a battleship and
five cruisers were damaged, the communique said. Rear Adm. Charles
Nason, commander of the Hornet, is safe, the Navy added.
The Hornet was the fourth carrier lost from among the group of seven with
.which the United States entered the war. The surviving carriers are the Enterprise,
Saratoga and Ranger.
Big Losses at .Guadalcanal
The light cruisers Juneau (E.T's Note: See last post on Jan. 12 for the loss of the Sullivan Brothers.) and Washington, both practically new, were' lost
between Nov. 13 and 15 during the battle in which the Japanese were defeated with
heavy losses in their biggest attempt to reconquer Guadalcanal. Seven destroyers
also were lost in that furious night engagement—the Gushing, Preston, Benham,
Walke, Monssen, Laffey and Barton. The heavy cruiser Northampton was
sunk by the. Japanese during an engagement north of Guadalcanal on the night
of Nov. 30-Dec. 1, the Navy Department announced.
All of the losses had previously been listed, but the names had been withheld
for military security and to avoid causing anxiety to relatives and friends of surviving
personnel, the communique explained. The next of kin of those killed, wounded
or missing have been informed.
Turkey Hears Bulgaria
Swept by Riots, Unrest
ISTANBUL, Turkey, Jan. 12 (AP)
—Facing rioting and revolt throughout Bulgaria, the German military is
threatening a brush with the Bulgarian Government unless it is stopped,
according to reports reaching Istanbul.
Students of the military college in Sofia, who revolted and occupied the
school buildings for 'several days, fled later to the mountains to-become guerrillas,
according to an unconfirmed report.
Another report • asserted that there had been mass arrests in most of the
Bulgarian cities and towns because of disorders and demonstrations against
the Government. Telephone communications between Bulgaria and
Turkey have been cut off.
French Capture
Fezzan, Menace
Rommel Flank
Seizure of Two Towns
Gives Them Control of
Southwest Libya
Control of the Fezzan, (INS) southwest ]
Libya, within striking distance of Rommel's right flank, was claimed by
Gen. LeClerc's Fighting French forces last- night following the capture of
Murzuk, capital of the region, and Sebba, a main Axis base 100 miles to the north.
The victory by the French forces, marching north from the Lake Chad area
-In the interior of Africa, was a direct menace to Rommel's army, already
endangered by "the advancing Eighth Army. :
At each of the two cities almost the entire enemy garrison was captured,
according to the communique issued last night by LeClerc's headquarters.
'Further north, towards Rommel's army, advanced French elements engaged an
enemy motorized force, which withdrew alter a lively engagement, leaving an
angered car and considerable booty behind, the communique said.
U.S. Bombers Hit Naples
From Bases in Africa
CAIRO,'Jan. 12 (AP)^B24 aircraft of the ninth U.S. air force carried put a
daylight attack yesterday against shipping and harbor installations at Naples, Italy,
today's communique revealed. " Heavy clouds obscured results although
one very large fire which penetrated the overcast sky was seen to have
been started," the announcement said. " A force of ME109s attacked our formation
with the result that at least two of our aircraft were shot down. At least
one enemy fighter was destroyed."
RAF Bombers Blast Ruhr
Sixth Time in Nine Nights
'Aircraft of RAF's Bomber Command Monday night attacked the Ruhr for the
sixth time in nine nights. According to the Air Ministry communique, " one of
our aircraft is missing."
This followed RAF fighter sweeps from. Dunkirk to Abbeville. Railway targets
in Northern France also were attacked, the Air Ministry said.
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