The Stars and Stripes
Daily Newspaper of U.S. Armed Forces in the (European Theater of Operations
VoL 3 No. 90 London, England Tuesday, Feb. 16, 1943
Nazis Shove
U.S. Troops
Back at Faid
Tank Forces Overwhelm
, Artillery, Threaten
Troops at Gafsa
ALLIED HQ, North Africa, Feb. 15 (AP)—Rommel hurled armour
against the American positions west of Paid Pass, breaking through about
20 miles and endangering Gafsa, held by ,U.S. forces.
Overwhelming American artillery positions guarding the westward exit
of the pass, German tanks, possibly 50;in number, branched out northwest
and southwest after the initial
American anchor positions at Gafsa were obviously in danger of being cut
off by the German spearhead of the Panzer division, and it was assumed
Gafsa might soon be evacuated.
Stukas Strike Hard
French Warships Join Allies;
Richelieu and Other Vessels
Arrive in U.S. to Be Repaired
All Units Not in Nazi
Hands Will Aid
Fight on Axis
Special to The Stars and Stripes
NEW YORK, Feb. 15—A number of, ships of the French fleet have
arrived in United States ports to be repaired and then join the Allied
naval force in its fight against the Axis, it was revealed today.
One of the warships was the 35,000-ton Richelieu, damaged by the
British Navy at Dakar in 1940 in an effort to keep it out of Axis hands.
Appearing in fighting trim, though needing repairs from the 1940 engagement,
it sailed into New York Harbor last Thursday, but security prevented news of
its arrival from being released earlier.
Enemy Frantic
In Effort to Halt
Russian Drives
Try to Fix Defense Line
After Fall of Rostov,
MOSCOW, Feb. 15 (AP)—Driven from deep Donbas positions west of Rostov
and Voroshilovgrad, the Germans tried desperately today to form a line to hold
off the powerful Red Army push. Following up the most sensational
single day's offensive in the history of this war, the Russians pounded the
perplexed Germans from the north of Kursk to the last remaining German
positions on the Black Sea coast.
Libs and RAF
Strike Dunkirk
Forces Team Up First
Time to Raid Port
Two Hours Apart
American and RAF bombers smashed at Dunkirk, just across the English
Channel, in daylight yesterday. Just two hours after Boston bombers
of the RAF had pummelled the historic Nazi-held port on the French coast, nearly
opposite Dover, Liberators of the Eighth Air Force attacked " with good results,"
Headquarters, ETOUSA, reported in a communique issued jointly with the
British Air Ministry.
RAF, Dominions and Allied fighters covered the bombers and destroyed ten
enemy fighters without loss. Two Liberators are reported missing.
First Dual Raid
Forts, Libs Jolt
Rabaul., Biggest
Bombing So Far
50 Tons of Explosives,
Incendiaries Dumped
On Jap Base
ALLIED HQ, Australia, Feb. 15 (AP)
—In the greatest mass bomber raid carried out by the Allies in this theater
of war more than 30 heavy bombers Sunday rained upwards of 50 tons of
explosives and 3,500 incendiary bombs on the Japanese naval and air base at
Four waves of Flying Fortresses and Liberators attacked the city and harbor
for more than two hours, starting huge and numerous fires, and apparently hitting
and damaging two ships.
One American pilot reported: " The Japanese have been rebuilding Rabaul
since our bombers first burnt the sky down months ago, and at present Rabaul
is heavily fortified.
" Rabaul is a regular Malta in respect,
of searchlight concentrations and ack-ack
positions. During the night of Feb. 14-15 '
our troops conducted offensive operations
in the same directions as before." ;
Burma Bases Hard Hit
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