Nazis Occupy
3 Towns Near
Algeria Border.
Whipped U. S. Troops
Pushed 66 Miles in
Four Days by Tanks
(Map on page 2)
(By The Associated Press)
Allied headquarters announced today that veteran German tank
columns had occupied three key towns near the center of the 300-
mile-long Allied front in central Tunisia, while in the south the
British eighth army reached the axis-held Mareth line at two points
after a 45-mile advance. A German broadcast said the
eighth army launched its attack against the Mareth defense works
yesterday "on a broad front," but the British communique made no
mention of fighting.
Russians Drive
At Orel Base
MOSCOW—(U.P)—-The red army pounded swiftly ahead today in
knockout offensives aimed at Orel, Knotop, and Poltava, trying to
convert the German retreat toward the Dnieper river into a disorderly
While consolidating their landslide gains along a 400-mile southern
front, Russian forces hammered out. unbroken advances toward
the key German bases east of the Dnieper river and struck out for
Orel, the last formidable stronghold threatening the left flank of
the Moscow defenses.
Advance Along Railroad.
Congress Hears
Mme. Kai-Shek
(Picture on Page 3.)
WASHINGTON. — (AP) — Mme. Chiang Kai-Shek today told the
house of representatives that it is contrary to the interests of the
United Nations "to allow Japan to continue, not only as a vital
potential threat but as a waiting sword of Damocles, ready to descend
at a moment's notice."
Speaking in the crowded house chamber the American-educated
wife of the Chinese generalissimo declared: "Let us not forget that the
longer Japan is left in undisputed possession of these resources, the
stronger she must become. Each passing day takes more toll in
lives of both Americans and Chinese. "Let us not forget that the Japanese
are an intransigent people.
Victories -Merely Steps.'
Gandhi Grows Weaker
In Heart and Mind
BOMBAY—(UP)— Mohandas K.
Gandhi, 73-year-old Indian nationalist
leader, is growing steadily
weaker in heart and mind in the
ninth day of his fast against internment,
a government bulletin
said today.
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