Wednesday, February 13, 2013

February 13, 1945; YANKS MOP-UP CORREGIDOR


Daily Newspaper of U.S. Armed Forces
VOL. 5? No. 87— Id.
 New York            London Edition           Paris

in the European Theater of Operations
TUESDAY, Feb. 13, 1945

Tell German People
Defeat Costlier By
Hopeless Resistance
President Roosevelt, Prime Minister Churchill and Marshal Stalin last night announced the results of their eight-day conference in the Crimea, issuing a joint communique that revealed close agreement in plans for the final defeat of
Nazi Germany, its occupation and control, for an international organization to maintain peace and security, and for joint action in dealing with the political and economic problems of European countries liberated from the Nazi yoke.
The three Allied heads summed up their plans as a reaffirmation of their "common determination to maintain and strengthen in the peace to come that unity of purpose and of action which has made victory possible and certain for the United Nations in this war."
The talks were held at Yalta, near Sevastopol, in the Crimea.
Meetings of the military staffs of the three powers, the communique declared,
resulted in closer co-ordination of the military effort of the U.S., Britain and
Russia than ever before and promised even more powerful blows to be launched
by land and air against Germany from East. West, North and South.
"Nazi Germany is doomed," the statement read. "The German people will only make the cost of their defeat heavier to themselves by attempting to continue
a hopeless resistance."
Common policies for enforcing unconditional surrender, terms which by necessity
will not be made known until the final defeat of Germany, have been agreed upon, but the communique said only that the three powers will each share in the occupation of Germany, with a Central Control Commission, consisting of the
Supreme Commanders of the three powers.

Russians Aim
To Split Nazi
Berlin Front
Marshal Koniev's Red Army troops, driving northward parallel to the Oder river in one of the greatest encircling movements of the war, last night were reported across the Bober River at two points in the Bunzlau area, about 75 miles northeast of Dresden and a little over 100 miles southeast of Berlin.
There was no official confirmation of reports that Koniev's forces had mossed the Bober, but Marshal Stalin announced that they had reached the river and captured
Bunzlau. Koniev's 1st Ukrainian Army, after breaking out of its bridgehead across the Oder at Steinau, apparently had two objectives. (insert photo map)
The northern spearhead was pushing along the southern route to the German
capital to cut behind the main Nazi defense line facing Marshal Zkukov's forces in front of Berlin.

(page 4)
Yanks Mop Up
Manila; Bomb"
While 28 Marianas-based Superforts roared-out to bomb Jap-held Iwo Jima in the Volcano Islands, the Battle of Manila went into its ninth day with the hard-hitting 1st Cavalry Division driving across the Pasig River which cuts the Philippine capital in two, the War Department announced yesterday.
After knifing across the river, the cavalrymen proceeded to clear the Santa Ana district of Manila and head toward Nelson airport. Meanwhile, stiff house-to-
house fighting continued in the residential area of the town, with doughboys
of the 37th Division inching their way through the district.
South of these two columns, near Nichols Field, troops of the llth Airborne
Division ground through the Paranaque and Baclaran areas, capturing heavy gun emplacements. Ammunition dumps were blown up on Nichols Field.
On east central Luzon, the 6th, 32nd and 40th Divisions continued to drive rapidly toward the Pacific "Coast. Heavy bombers 'and attack planes bombed and strafed Jap concentrations on Corregidor and the south shore of  Bataan.
Superforts also struck the Japs in. Burma when a large force of the bombers rained high explosives and incendiaries on oil, ammunition and material dumps just north of Rangoon. Mustangs of the 14th Air Force swooped in over an enemy air field at Tsingtao, in China's Shantung province, in a surprise dawn attack to wreck 101 Jap planes.

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