Thursday, February 14, 2013

February 14, 1945; Allied PlanesAid Russian Drive:


Blast Dresden,
70 Miles Away
from Russ Units
U. S., British, Reds
Join in Single Blow
for First Time
LONDON — (U.P) —
 Marshal Stalin  said today that the Red army has scored a new break through In Silesia on a 65-mile front aimed squarely at the Saxony capital of Dresden.
Marshal Ivan S. Konev's First Ukrainian army overran six key communications centers and anchors of the Silesian defenses in a westward
sweep on an arc stretching from points 180 mile* southeast of Berlin to 31 miles southwest of Breslau. The new drive carried strong Soviet forces to the Bober.
LONDON—(U.P)—The Red army hammered to within 70 miles of Dresden today as the Saxony capital and other points in the path of the Soviet advance rocked under air bombardment by nearly 4.000 American and British war planes.
For the first time in the war, the powerful land offensive of the Russian armies was directly supported by coordinated air blows from both the American and British
strategic bombardment fleets.
The attack was opened by night when some 1,400 RAF planes blasted Germany, nearly 800 of them concentrating on Dresden where they lighted vast fire* visible to the Red army advancing at the Queis river.
May Reflect Big 3 Plan American Flying Fortresses and Liberators took up the assault by day. sending some 2,250 planes over Germany, including 1,350 heavy bombers. One large U. S. formation dropped a new bomb load on Dresden while others hit Chemnitz, 38 miles to the southwest and Magdeburg, 70 miles southwest of Berlin.
It was the first time in the war that the elements of all three of the major Allies had been coordinated in a blow at Germany.
Whether the Anglo-American air support for the Red army was a fruit of the Yalta conferences was not known.

Nichols Field, Cavite
Captured by Yanks;
Japs Slay Civilians
Finishing Blows
Prepared for Nips
Chile signed the United Nations declaration here today after proclaiming itself in a state of war with Japan, It was officially announced.
Chile's adherence to the declaration was made at a joint ceremony at which the ambassadors of Ecuador. Pararguay, and Peru also signed the document, following their countries' declaration of war within the past week.
(United Press War Correspondent)
Nichols Field and the U. S. navy's wrecked anchorages Cavite were back in American hands today and Gen. Douglas MacArthur proclaimed triumphantly that the end of the battle for Manila is in sight.
MacArthur's tanks and infantrymen swarmed in from all sides to finish off the remaining Japanese trapped along the flaming waterfront and around Ft. McKinley, on the city's southeastern outskirts.
Thousands of terror-stricken Japaneses escaped into the American
lines with word that the Nipponese were massacring men, women. and children.

(United Press War Correspondent)
MANILA —'The Japanese have run amok in southern Manila in a wholesale massacre of  Filipino civilians trapped inside their lines. Hundreds of men, women, and children already have been slaughteredby the Japanese in their senseless killing spree and the death toll is mounting rapidly.
Civilians who escaped across the Pasig river into the American lines report that: the Japanese held area south of the river is an inferno of flumes and gunfire. The
Japanese barricaded every street in the area and ordered all civilians indoors. Then they set lire to the buildings and machine-gunned the occupants when they tried to flee.
Fire Refugee Center
Eyewitnesses said the Nipponese fired the Catholic refugee center at the College of La Concordia with incendiary grenades, after trying to chain the doors.
The center houses about 2,000 persons, including many blind, insane, wounded, and sick. Only about 700 are known to have survived by running a mile-long gantlet of gunfire.
Spanish-born Mrs. Denis Allmond, wife of a chief quartermaster in the U. S. navy, managed to escape from the burning center with her two children, Denis, Jr.,
4, and Janet, 5.
Mrs. Allmond said the Japanese tried several times to chain the doors of the main building at the center, which was operated by the Sisters of Charity.
Men inside the building, who already had put out three fires started by the Japanese, unchained the doors, however, and  got most of the refugees out. Then the Japanese mowed them down with machine- gun fire.
"All except, about 700 were killed, including most of the infants," Mrs. Allmond said.
Many of the sisters, all of whom were Filipinos, were listed among the missing or known dead.
Yanks Find Atrocities First-hand evidence of Japanese atrocities also was uncovered a few days ago by clean-up squads of the U. S. 37th division. The doughboys found the bodies of 200 Filipino men, women, and children who had been killed by the Japanese in a section of Manila that has been liberated.

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