Saturday, February 16, 2013

February 16, 1945; Lashing at Targets in Tokyo


Charleston, West Virginia, Friday Morning February 16. 1945
Mitscher's Pacific
Fleet Units Garry
War Heine to Japs
Air-Ship Bombardment Rakes Iwo Jima Island,
Enemy Acknowledges Raid, Says Airdromes
In Capital Under Yank Plane Attack
(From wire Dispatches) -• T " «
Battleship-led American task forces, riding waters off Japan, are pouring  hundreds of bombs and  strafing carrier planes at Tokyo today while other-warships to the south are bombarding the Volcano and Benin islands.
The huge and audacious operations, hurling the navy's might for the first time at Tokyo .and posing a challenge to Nippon's fleet, strongly suggests major developments.
(There was no word from headquarters on the purpose of the large-scale attack but a move of such extent suggests the possibility of new amphibious landings' within  the inner defense ring of Japan's island outguards).

American 7th
Opens Limited
Push in South
Front Dispatch Says Nazi
Ruhr Defenses Sagging.
Under Heavy Blows
PARIS. Feb. 15.—(INS)—
Canadian 1st army forces fastened a grip on the left bank of the northern German Ruhr tonight extending 20 miles from n point opposite Emmerich in an Intensifying flanking threat to the Ruhr. while far to the south the
U.Ss. 7th army launched what rant dispatches called a "limited offensive."
(From Wire Dispatches)
PARIS, Feb. 15—The Canadian 1st army in a two-mile gain poured troops and tanks today across the last river before the stronghold of Goch, beyond
which lies open rolling country leading to Germany's great munitions
producing region.

B-29s Smash
Nagoya Plants
Superfortresses Now Flying
From Tininn Base
Superfortresses from a newly revealed base added weight today to a new strike at Japanese production. The development pointed up an assertion by Secretary Stimson that the enemy has no safe areas left.
Few details were Immediately available here or at Guam operating headquarters on the latest blow,' beyond the' fact-that a large force  was -involved, that part of them
came from the recently established base on Tinian Island In the Marianas, and that the target was Industry in the main Japanese Island of Honshu. Japanese broadcasters,  however. Were more specific, naming often bombed
Industrial Nagoya as the main objective, saying there were B-29s over other areas, and admitting some damage.

Japs Expect
'Yanks To Land
On South Luzon
Captured Document Shows
Invasion From North
Upset Defense Plan
MANILA, Feb. 16—(Friday)—
— Gen. Douglas MacArthur disclosed today that Japan's master plan to make Manila the turning point of the Luzon campaign in Nippon's favor 13 being smashed by a powerhouse American drive nearing victory In the scarred city and fast overrunning nearby Bataan peninsula.
Today's communique, reporting steady reduction of the enemy pocket in South Manila, new gains on Bataan and withering air attacks on Corregidor. Also announced seizure of an enemy document. This document, the general said,
made It clear the Japanese had expected to hold Manila with 20.000 troops, street and house fortifications, thousands of mines, elaborate concrete strongpoints and hundreds of heavy guns—alt prepared for an attack from the south.
Victory Imminent
But MacArthur struck from the north and the campaign for Manila is close to American victory, with destruction of the defense system, slaughter of the last ditch defenders and capture of hundreds of cannon.
Of high interest is the swift progress on Bataan, in a push of only a few days down the east coast.
Yanks, of the 38th division have advanced four miles below Abucay bay to the eastern bastion of the final American defense line In 1942.
MacArthur's revelations of the seized document recalled a Domei news agency broadcast from Tokyo Feb. 8 saying "the Luzon battle is fought for very high stakes."
The communique told of a 112-ton bombing of Corregidor but made no
reference to Japanese 'reports that American minesweepers had forced entry of the bay,  followed by bombarding warships and troop-laden transports.

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