Thursday, March 22, 2012

Current Events March 21, 1944;

 STOCKHOLM, March 20.—
The first Berlin explanation of the occupation of Hungary reaching, diplomatic circles here is that the occupation was made t .reinforce the threepower pact. Hungarian sources' Here said that Admiral Nicholas Harth the Regent of  Hungary and his suite left Budapest on Friday on a visit to Hitler's headquarters. 

 With the Fifth Army At
Cassino, March 20.
German troops raised the white flag over Continental Hotel which they had turned into one of their chief centres of resistance in Cassino but they still
clung desperately to the south west corner of the town today and to important hill No. 165 above.

LONDON, March 20---
Tonight ends another twenty four hours of triumphant victories for the Armies of the Soviet Union. Before their onslaught towns have fallen west of the Dniester, in the middle Bug, and deep into ore-war Poland.




STOCKHOLM, March 20.—
The first Berlin explanation of the occupation of Hungary reaching, diplomatic circles here is that the occupation was made t .reinforce the threepower pact. Hungarian sources' Here said that Admiral Nicholas Harth the Regent of  Hungary and his suite left Budapest on Friday on a visit to Hitler's headquarters. At  Budapest-Stockholm telephones have been cut since about 8 o'clock tonight
Rumours for which there is as yet no confirmation were circulating to
Stockholm to-night that Admiral Horthy and the Hungarian Commander-in-Chief, General Ghezy, have been prevented by the Germans from returning to Hungary. Hungarian troops are stated to have resisted when the Germans marched into Hungary. Reports from Budapest quoted by the Berne correspondent of Svenska Dagabladet said that Germans invaded Hungary from the north and also from Rumania,
According to a reliable message from Berlin quoted by Morgan Ttdnigen,
German troops first entered Hungary on Sunday. Bela Imedy, former Premier Is reported to have seized power to pave the way for the Germans. Reliable circles in Berlin expect that the Germans will take similar action In Rumania and Bulgaria—Wireless.

With the Fifth Army At
Cassino, March 20.
German troops raised the white flag over Continental Hotel which they had turned into one of their chief centres of resistance in Cassino but they still
clung desperately to the south west corner of the town today and to important hill No. 165 above.
Not only were they fighting for  every inch but they appeared to have ample reserves to reinforce and steady their precarious position through well covered drains and tunnels in hills behind the town.
New Zealand tanks were doing well however in their effort against well entrenched Germans in the old Coliseum and the amphitheatre and the ducal palace which
straddle highway No. 6 as it winds south from Cassino around Abbey Hill, toward Rome.

Ukrainian Army Captures
Vinnitsa Nazi Fortress '
LONDON, March 20---
Tonight ends another twenty four hours of triumphant victories for the Armies of the Soviet Union. Before their onslaught towns have fallen west of the Dniester, in the middle Bug, and deep into ore-war Poland.
Yesterday the town of Mogilev Podolski on the middle Dniester fell to the Second Ukrainian Army after several hours of fierce ' fighting.
Mogilev Podolsfci is an important railway junction with lines running west
to Cernauti, southwest to Odessa and the great Baltic port of Golatz.  The Germans counter attacked fiercely in an "effort -to --save-; the-town across the Dniester-the Russians today deepened their bridgehead across the river and continued to make advances today.


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